5. The Party

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Author's pov

Taehyung turned his head to see her. He noticed that everyone was already looking at her. Y/N entered the hall with Namjoon and Lisa behind her. Mr. Bang step forward to welcome her. 

"We are glad that you came Miss Shin." Bang said

"Thank you, Mr. Bang . We all were really excited for this  " Y/N said with a sweet smile. 

Soon Y/N talked to the people. Many businessmen were approaching her , basically trying to build a identity and relationship with her so in future it would be easier to have a business together.

On the other hand, Taehyung was getting mad on Jennie. He saw her talking frankly to fashion producer Jung Hoseok. Jimin was calming him down.

"Relax Tae! She is a model, she need to do it." Jimin said.

"I telling you this for 5th time I am not mad ok" Taehyung said with and angry face."but I cannot see it" Jimin said under the breathe. 


Y/n was on the bar counter sipping a cocktail. She was lost it her deep thoughts .


Why it feels so numb? The party is crowded but still it empty inside. Was I wrong that time? Was I too selfish too choose me over everyone? I got what I wanted then why its still hurting? 

"Are you Enjoying the Party?"

I turned to find Mr. Kim smiling softly. He step forward and sat on the chair just next to me.

"Yeah! Nice decor by the way..." I said.

"After all I prepared everything..." he said proudly.

"So ? why are you sitting all alone? is this how you enjoy the party" he asked out of nowhere

This man really got some guts to be so straightforward. "I don't like to talk to people much." I said

just then the light when went dim and slow music started. So it was for the couples to dance.

So I turned my attention back to my drink cause it none of my business.

Suddenly Mr. Kim extend his hand and smiled. "May I have this dance?"

"I..uh I don't know how to do it." I said honestly.

"No problem, Just follow my lead, I'll manage" he said being a stubborn. What wrong with him? Why can't he  leave me in peace?."I...I uh..." I lost words.....

" I take it as yes" he said with a wide smile and took my hand which as resting on the drink glass.

I want to pull but it will be a scene between so many people. He drag me to the Dance floor to join others. He slipped his hand on my waist and other holding my one hand. MY other hand rested on the edge of his shoulder. 

Gosh this is not my thing I am definitely going to embarrass myself along with him.

Taehyngs'S POV

Miss Shin was not talking very openly.I think she is sort of introverted. but it would have been awkward to just sit like a statue and not  talking. When I Jennie with Prod Jung dancing together, I thought why not Miss Shin? I might also be able to make Jen jealous

So now that we are here dancing and I could see that she doesn't look experienced. But she was following my lead perfectly. We were a bit slow not trying to hurry.

"so what inspired you to join software entertainment industry?" I asked wanting to know about her. "From a very young age I was interested in it" she said in one line. She is not interested in talking but i won't give up this easily. 

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