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6 years back....
7:30 AM

The alarm waked me up with it's disastrous sound. But I woke up smiling, it was a special day for me.  Today I'll be doing some extra skin care routine. After doing all the heavy care routine. I am ready, not gonna have my breakfast, cause he said - we will have it outside. All set , I was waiting in my room wearing a dress suitable for date. 

*door knocks*

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*door knocks*...

"come in"..

There entered my beautiful mother with big smile..

"Y/N darling... when are you going ?it's already 9:55 am " She asked

"Well, he must be on his way Eomma" I replied not being sure myself.

*car honks* 

"Looks like your Prince Charming is here".She teased

My cheeks were burning and I knew they were blushing"Eomma!!!" I whined blushing.

I literally ran down wearing my heals. That small diamond ring was twinkling as if sharing the same desire as my heart.


As she came in front of her house, there stood a young , dangerously handsome man in suit leaning against the car. 

He looked up and smiled widely to see her dressed exactly in the same way he likes

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He looked up and smiled widely to see her dressed exactly in the same way he likes. 

"I am going to witness death someday because of you, My lady" He said sweetly.

"yahh! stop" she blushed

"Why? I have just started... Well Shall we start with our date then" he said.

She nodded cutely. They entered the car When he extended his hand to the backseat and pulled out a bouquet of roses of every color. "Flowers for the most magical beauty of the world" he extended the flowers and she accepted it while giving a pout smile. 

"I am sorry"he said

"For what ?" she asked in confusion.

"I was trying to find flowers that could match you beauty but failed miserably" He said casually and chuckled. Y/N rolled her eyes.

"MR. JEON JUNKOOK, if you are done with your flirting ,shall we go now" she said giving a playful done face. "Sure My soon to be"...

He pull start the engine and they drove off for their date.


Jeon Junkook and Shin Y/N were engaged for more than 6 months... It was arranged by their parents...After going to many coffee dates together, falling in love they finally agreed and soon they announced their engagement. Junkook was the chief engineer in a software company.

Y/N,  after completing her college, did job in some software companies but due to lack of interest , she left and started her own company"The Pacific Valley". Her parents did not supported her decision of leaving  the job and starting something of her own. Due to frictions between their opinions, the father- daughter relation was sacrificed. Now both live under the same roof like strangers. Though her mother still tried hard to make things normal but all went in veins.

After  hearing the story of Y/N, Junkook also advised her to give up, saying that she will save a billion dollar worth relationship of Father-daughter. Y/N was rigid towards her aims and declined his every advice.
This date was the turning point in Y/N's life.
After having breakfast in a fancy restaurant, we standing on a bridge of a park.
"Y/N, I want to talk about something" Jungkook broke the silence, "what?" I asked knitting my eyebrows.
"Is it necessary to...you know...to run your own company?" His question took me to a confused shock. "Huh?" I frowned
"You see recently I got promoted and now that my salary is also more than just good, so can't you sit back and we will enjoy our wedded life like a normal couple",
"Why?.... people who have their own business don't lead normal life?" I chuckled.
"No.. just that we will also have children and mothers take the best care of their children, so I want my children to be fully cared...in fact you want it too right?" His words were making my heart sink gradually. My face turned blank and cold.
"Say it, what do you mean" I want him to say it straight.
He sighed heavy, took a deep breath and said....
"GIVE UP ON THAT COMPANY OF YOURS" my feet turned cold, I wasn't expecting him to say that....
"No, never" I said with astern voice.
"Come on Y/N, that company is already on a pre revenue stage, not even making any profit either, in fact you even spent a huge part of your savings in that and I cannot see any future of that company" he said with irritation.
"So? It has been just two and half years I have started it, how can it just earn profit so early," I was about to tear up, my voice had got heavy, a lump in my throat was struggling to be free....
"Why you always have to decline every thing the other person says, can't you listen me for this time, I am telling you this for some reason" he was angrier now.
"I don't want to know the reason, am not going to give up so early"
I said with a louder voice.
He let out an angry sight and looked away.
"Sometimes your behaviour really disappoint me, I wanted simple life and simple wife but I think you are not a normal girl" he said without looking at me.
"I was like this always, maybe you could not analyse me properly" I said, My eyes were teary...
He couldn't take it more . He turned on his heels and walked away saying"I am really done with you"

To be continued......

Disclaimer : this is just a work of imagination. Author tend no hate towards any of the idols. They are playing as character in the story. Please don't hate anyone. I own the script so don' repost it.

if still any confusion..... read the disclaimer again...

hello readers,....

hope you liked this part, if so then do vote for me if not then let me know through your comment...


My exams are just at the door and here I am writing stories...
Mom will throw me out if I did not do good this time😂

I will not have money either to go to Korea 😭😂

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