Chapter Six

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The Headmaster convened a meeting just before lunch. When Severus arrived, he found himself waiting with Minerva for the Headmaster to turn up, Fawkes was also missing from his perch.

"Have you heard back from the Grangers?" Severus asked, and watched as her face set into grim lines.

"I have; they say that Miss Granger set out in the morning to Kings Cross to take the train to Hogwarts. They didn't accompany her as they had to work."

"Does anyone know if she made it to the train?"

"That is what I'm hoping Albus can shed some light on."

They sat waiting, Minerva summoned refreshments though Severus suspected it was for something to do rather than a desire for refreshments. Albus arrived having had them wait a scant ten minutes and finish only one cup of tea. His twinkle was missing, his face was grave, and Severus felt his stomach drop into his boots. From the corner of his eye, he saw Minerva's lips tighten as she schooled her face to impassivity.

Albus sat behind his desk resting his forearms on the blotter, meshing his fingers together. He didn't bother with the twinkly grandfather persona. This sombre expression was head of the Order with a massive fuck up on his hands. Severus was glad. It meant that they were more likely to get straight answers than irritating half-truths and riddles. It also meant that they had a massive fuck up on their hands. So much for the silver lining.

"The Dursley's have confirmed that Mr Potter did not return during the Christmas break. I checked with Tom, and he did not rent rooms there. I have also checked the Headquarters, the wards do not show his presence nor has he been there over Christmas. As of right now, I do not know where Mr Potter is."

Well, fuck.

Minerva stared hard at the Headmaster. "Albus we have another problem, Miss Granger's parents report that she left for Kings Cross station to catch the train."

"She is missing?"

Mentally, behind his impressive Occlumency shields, Severus rolled his eyes so hard it hurt. "She's not here, and she's not with her parents so yes, she's missing," he sneered.

"I see," Albus said sending Severus a frosty look, which he chose to ignore. "Then is it possible they met up and are together? Mr Potter may think he's performing some gallant action in rescuing Miss Granger from the effects of the Marriage Law."

He saw Minerva stiffen in outrage and it soothed his own. Only Albus could think up a plan that would affect everyone but him, then insinuate it was the participants' fault it was going awry.

"How would Mr Potter know of your plans for Miss Granger when you have not yet told her yourself?" she asked the Headmaster tartly. "You only saw fit to inform me yesterday!"

Severus was gratified to see Albus squirm, so he thought he would see if he could make Albus squirm a bit harder. "You may have a point, Albus," Severus interjected smoothly. All eyes swung to him. Severus smoothed the front of his robes and continued as if the thought was just occurring to him as he was voicing it. "The Muggle age of consent for marriage is sixteen. If they met up at the train station and travelled to Gretna Green, they could have married and simply be in hiding on their honeymoon." He added an extra sneer to 'honeymoon' for effect. "Before returning to school fait accompli."

It was more than gratifying to see the possibility whirl behind Albus' eyes. Minerva shot him a worried look, but he could see the amusement lurking in the twitch of her lips.

"You believe that this is possible?" Albus asked worriedly, his plans starting to smoulder around the edges.

"I believe the boy is stupid enough to conceive it, and Miss Granger most certainly would wish to escape the clutches of the Malfoys. With no other options on offer to her." Severus shrugged demonstratively.

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