Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Chapter 39 - Albus plots, as do others

When Minerva had wanted to see him, she had sent a letter. It had been based on truth. It had played to the expected prejudices of anyone that might read it to not raise suspicion. She had tried, as well as she could, to employ subterfuge and subtlety and he had appreciated her efforts, given that he was living in the Malfoy residence.

When Albus wanted to see him, he sent an elf. The elf was bound to give the message to him in person thus interrupting dinner, a show of bad manners that had made him wince and Narcissa's expression turn icy. The elf had delivered the message and vanished. He understood why he might have been inclined to shoot the messenger. Well, might have been until he spent more than half a minute in Zoot's company. He removed his napkin from his lap and placed it on the table.

"Narcissa, I sincerely apologise. It seems my immediate presence is required at the castle."

"Then I shall not detain you," she replied. "Will you return this evening?"

"I expect to; however, I do not know when. I am uncertain as to what could need my immediate attention." He rose, bowed and left the room, mentally cursing, Albus was going to get him killed.

Back in his lab, he grabbed a bag of healing potions just in case, and the latest batch of vitality potions. Putting the bag over his shoulder, he made his way to the door and out across the grounds to the ward line. Once across, he apparated to the castle gates and started the walk up the path.

For an evening that had been started on a sour note, it went progressively downhill very quickly. Albus had met him at the door and turned them both back out into the evening air. Scottish summers were hardly warm but the evening was still. The air smelt of sun and he could appreciate that the castle in the evening light glowed warmly, giving off the appearance of safety, sanctuary and steadfastness. The bitter part of him acknowledged that it was an illusion, a pretty one, but an illusion none the less.

They headed out towards the lake when they started on the path leading around it Albus broke the silence. "I called you here because I am leaving again tonight, there's a conference at the ICW, and then there are a few matters to which I must attend. You are aware that Voldemort is currently in Europe hunting for the Elder wand?"


"He will not find it, and when he realises its current master, I believe it will cause a shift in the war. He will start to plan again; he may even start taking a more public role than he has previously."

"Why do you think so?"

"Because he desires the Elder wand," Albus replied. "He believes it to be unbeatable, that it will conquer even the protections Lily laid upon Harry. He needs to attain the wand, and to do so he will need to draw its current master out, to force a confrontation to give him the opportunity. It must not happen, Severus. Voldemort is not a man who could wield such a wand, the burden of it is great. But that is not all, I fear that I will not be there. That my time is coming to a close." He glanced down at his arm

"The curse has spread? Why did you not say something?" Severus berated the elder wizard. "We must get you to Poppy."

"No, Severus," Albus stopped him. "The curse is still bound, but I am an old man. I cannot live forever so I must make sure that there are those whom can continue the work."

"The Order will not follow me."

"No, they won't," Albus agreed. "But that is not what I need for you to do."

They came to a stop on the path and Albus waved his wand conjuring a stone bench with brightly coloured cushions. "Come," he said, and they both sat, staring out over the lake. "At some point in the future, Voldemort is going to stop sending Nagini out to do his bidding. He will keep her close, protect her, and when he does so, you must go to Harry." He held up a hand to ward off anything Severus might say. "Let me finish. Only Harry alone can vanquish Voldemort, and it must be the two of them together. But I do not mean to leave Harry with no protection. You must tell Harry to carry his father's cloak where ever he goes once Voldemort starts to protect his snake. I have in my will, left him an artefact that he will need, and lastly, you must give him my wand. Only then can Harry master death, and hope to triumph over Voldemort."

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