Chapter Fifty-Six

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Chapter 56 - Draco

Severus stood in the group before the Dark Lord, his eyes behind his mask moved over the crowd searching. Spotting his quarry, he kept his eyes fixed on him waiting for the dismissal to come. The plan they had was already going awry. He hadn't expected to be called, he had thought the Dark Lord had accepted the plan, but instead of being in Ottery St Catchpole walking through the fields with Albus, while the Order poured into the Burrow in preparation, he was here. He'd let Minerva know that he'd been called and she'd volunteered to take Albus from the house in the guise of some personal business. It was a weak excuse, but it was all they'd had, he hoped she could make it sound good. As soon as he could, he'd go to her. Perhaps Albus would be happier that his lieutenant would see his death. It seemed like something Albus would enjoy.

The dismissal came, and Severus moved smoothly through the milling people, excited voices enthusiastically discussing what was to come, bragging about what they would do. The figure started to step back from the crowd trying to be unnoticeable. Coming up from behind, Severus reached out and clamped a hand on the shoulder of the robed and masked figure.

"Do not make a sound," Severus hissed fiercely. "Stand still, do not move. You cannot be the first to leave." Beneath his fingers, he felt the fine trembling that ran through his quarry, the sag of relief at his words and then stiffening once again before anyone noticed. They stood together, Severus left his hand clamped in place, and once the first cracks of apparition sounded he murmured. "Come with me."

They walked slightly away then Severus took them both in a side along, they landed in a copse of trees. Severus stripped off his mask and stashed it in his pocket, he turned to Draco. "Take your mask off Draco." Draco complied, and Severus continued. "I have been charged by your Mother to keep you safe as you know, I cannot ensure this myself. I have a place for you to go, but I will have your oath that you will harm neither them, nor theirs, and you will follow their instructions until I return for you."

"Who?" Draco asked, but Severus glared him into silence.

"Your oath Draco or I take you back," Severus said curtly.

Draco pulled out his wand shakily from his robes and swore the oath.

Severus nodded his approval then called quietly, but clearly. "Folly."

The elf appeared with a crack. "How can Folly serve?" she said looking up at Severus.

"I apologise for dragging you away from your duties, but I have need of you."

The elf looked at him expectantly, flicking a sideways look at the pale blond stood next to him. "Do you wish Folly to return him to school?" she asked. "He will not be able to leave again." She glowered over at Draco who looked taken back at the fierceness of the elf.

"No Folly, he needs to be here. Will you bring Helen and John to me please?" Severus asked politely.

The elf flicked a worried look back at Severus but nodded obediently and vanished again.

"Sir," Draco said licking his lips nervously.

"Be quiet Draco," Severus responded. "We are not out of danger yet."

Folly reappeared with Helen and John. They straightened up from the landing and looked at him in enquiry, flicking only brief glances at the young man stood with him.

"Severus," Helen said, a hand pressed to her stomach to help calm the roiling. "Nobody mentioned it was a costume party." She gestured to his robes and then to the long green healer's robes that had been pressed on her and John to help them blend in. He said nothing to her attempt at levity waiting only until she had focused on him once again.

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