Chapter Sixty-One

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Chapter 61 - Counter-Manoeuvres

It was fortuitous that the silencing charm was around the mirror and that the dicta-quill had been set to record everything. When Albus had laid out his concerns, there had been a round of scoffing and incredulity that without the charm would have been difficult to muffle.

By the time Minerva and Albus were exchanging views in strident tones, the room had fallen into a horrified silence. Harry was pacing up and down the wall of shelves at the back of the room, his magic growing with his agitation, swirling around him causing pages to flutter and the wall lights to flicker as he passed.

"Harry," Helen called crossing the room to him. She stopped in front of him forcing him to halt, grasped his hands and squeezed. "You need to calm down."

"Have you heard what he's saying!?" Harry demanded, his voice rang with anger and hurt.

"Yes," Helen said calmly. "But you're leaking magic and its upsetting Audrey."

Harry blinked and sent a quick glance over to the grouping of chairs. Hermione and John were sat either side of Audrey quietly murmuring. Audrey herself was looking a little wide-eyed and kept sending him quick glances as if she was unsure what meeting his eyes directly might trigger.

Harrys ire deflated. "Oh. I suppose if I am going to become the next rising dark wizard, storming around scaring muggles is a pretty good way to kickstart your career."

"I'm not scared," Helen said with a smile, looping her arm through his and guiding him back to the chairs. "Neither is John, Audrey might just need an assurance that you aren't going to snap and go on a murderous spree starting with Dumbledore. She wasn't exactly a fan, to begin with."

Harry shot her a wan smile as they arrived back at their seats. "Sorry," he offered a touch sheepishly.

"Are you alright?" Audrey asked hesitantly. "I didn't know you could do that."

"Umm yeah, it's not supposed to. I'm meant to have better control, but," Harry gestured with a hand in the direction of the mirror.

Audrey nodded understandingly. "Yeah, I guess anyone would react the same way."

"Have I missed anything good?" Harry asked.

"Not really, the quill is still recording, but I've hit the mute button," Hermione said with a small smile. "Minerva's just told him about your accident. To be honest, it sounds like he didn't believe her and from what I've gathered she and Severus have left. Severus got in a parting shot about visiting St Mungo's."

"Great," Harry replied still staring at the mirror unhappily.

The pop of apparition sounded from the hall. They heard Folly greeting whoever had returned then the door opened.

Percy came through looking surprised to see the expectant faces. "I wasn't expecting you all to be here," he said. "What's going on?"

Hermione moved from by Audrey to sit by Harry allowing Percy to take her place. He hugged Audrey with one arm, giving her a quick kiss hello before turning back to the room.

"We're listening in on an Order meeting," John said gesturing to the table. "The quill is recording everything. Albus seems to believe that Harry is the next Dark Lord. How was your day?"

Percy looked at John blankly for a moment but took in the mood in the room and nodded. "Kingsley was sworn in as the new Minister."

"Kingsley?" Harry responded. "But what about the DMLE and the Aurors? If he's no longer in charge."

Percy slumped back into the chair, an uncharacteristic gesture of tiredness from the usually prim and tidy man. He rested only a moment gathering himself and sat back up. As he started to form up his response, the noise of apparition came from the hall, and the door suddenly flung open. Minerva and Severus came into the room.

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