Chapter Nineteen

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A silence settled onto the room, and it seeped into the walls.

"Look," Remus said. "It's maybe nothing, but this is Harry. I can't do nothing. Not again. If there's even the remotest chance… I have to take it." He sat looking like a man with too many regrets, and Minerva shot Severus a look telling him not to push him.

"If there's something you think we should know, you will tell us won't you Remus? I think at this stage we can agree that this evening's events won't be reported to either Albus or the Dark Lord," Minerva said gently.

"Thank you, Minerva, I know I'm asking a lot asking you to trust me," Remus looked at Severus who scowled but acknowledged his words.

Remus looked down, stroking the parchment, the warming charm had worn off causing the parchment to cool, and the ink had vanished back into invisibility. "You don't even need to close it," he said. Then, with humour in his voice, said. "I suppose it doesn't hurt to be sure. Mischief managed." A sharp intake of breath followed as a familiar cursive script flowed over the parchment.


Ron has the map, don't worry I didn't dismantle it to learn how to do this. I followed in the footsteps of the Marauders. We're going to be doing a bit of that in the future.There are things you need to know; things we need to tell you. But more than one person knows how to open a map, so I had to find a better method, one proven by time, history and continual usage.I'd make it easier for you, but you have Professor Snape to help you, so you'll be fine.HJG

The cursive writing faded away to show an ornate X.

Remus looked up at Severus confused. "What does that mean I have you to help me?"

"I don't know Lupin. What is this map she was babbling about?" Severus responded.

Remus flushed guiltily. "We made a map of Hogwarts castle it shows everything and everyone on the grounds listed by name. You've seen it; it's jinxed to insult you if you get hold of it."

"The parchment I took from Potter, and you took back?" Severus asked. Remus nodded, shame flushing his cheeks. "So you found me all those times because you had a magical map, and Miss Granger has learnt how to write one." Severus picked up the parchment from the table where Remus had put it. He pushed back on the rising ire from his mistreatment at the hands of the Marauder's, he could be angry later, he would be angry later. He concentrated on the parchment, the X was stylised, overly so, covering the middle of the parchment. It reminded him of—. "Oh, for fuck's sake girl! Must you be so smug?!"

"What?" Minerva and Remus chorused.

"It's a map!" That garnered him blank looks, and Severus pinched the bridge of his nose, wishing he could throttle someone, anyone, but preferably Miss Granger. "She's a muggle born, what do muggles use maps for?"

"Directions to find things," Remus answered immediately.

"And a conventional symbol to mark what you want to find on a map is?" Severus drew out. Feeling like he was pulling teeth, pointing at the ornate X

"An X, she made us a treasure map!" Remus breathed, his eyes growing wide.

Remus reached out and touched the X. Nothing happened, and he drew back looking at Severus expectantly.

"What?" the dark man snapped.

"Well go on then," Remus said, pointing at the parchment.

"Why me?"

"Because she said you're going to help me, so help."

Severus scowled and reached out to touch the X. It disappeared, and a flow of runes appeared in a grid pattern. "What the hell is that?!"

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