Chapter Forty-Four

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Chapter 44 - Broken things

"My Lord." Severus dropped to a knee, bowing his head. It was calculated to draw attention, having earnt the right to stand in the Dark Lord's presence, few would debase themselves again. It was a small meeting, only the upper ranks of the Death Eaters, offering a smaller audience to convince, and a smaller audience to witness his punishment if the Dark Lord decided he wasn't in a listening mood.

"Severus, stand. You have earnt the right whilst in my presence," the Dark Lord said. "Unless you believe to have displeased me?" It wasn't really a question.

"No my Lord, I hope that I have remained faithful in my service."

That perked the Dark Lord's curiosity, and Severus felt the pressure of Legilimency push against his mental shields. He offered only a token resistance to the intrusive presence, letting the Dark Lord see his nerves, his wish to convey information to aid his master in his endeavours

"Speak," the Dark Lord said as he withdrew from his mind.

Glad that the intrusion was over, Severus pulled his shields back up but remained in his kneeling position. "My Lord I have found out information pertaining to the artefact you were searching for." His words were met by silence, the group of Death Eaters arrayed behind him had stilled their conversations, watching like eager hyenas, circling to see if they could recover morsels from larger predators kill.

"Continue." Came the command.

"I have reason to believe that Albus Dumbledore has what you desire. That he is aware that you are searching for it."

"Does he? Splendid Severus. Now stand in my presence as you have been given leave to do."

Severus got to his feet watching the Dark Lord. He was reclining in his throne-like chair, the stained rug back in position under it. He sat watching Severus, tapping one finger on his chin, calculating.

"So the fool has the wand."

Severus stayed quiet and still. The reaction hadn't given him any indication that the Dark Lord had already known this but equally hadn't indicated that he hadn't either.

"What else does the fool know, Severus?"

"He expects you to send someone for it. To use one of the younger members who already have access to the castle. He knows that if he stays behind the walls, you cannot take decisive action. He believes that by using the younger unproven members, they will ultimately fail, and he can laud you as a monster for using children."

"Does he?" The tone was lightly amused. "He has a rather refined sense of irony does he not. If the old fool expects it, it bears thinking of," he drifted into silence.

"If he thinks you would send a proxy, would my Lord not be best meeting him head on?" Severus ventured his tone deferential.

"You wish for me to challenge Dumbledore while he is in possession of an unbeatable wand." The Dark Lords wand lashed out, and Severus crumpled to the floor. "Do you think me foolish?" he said conversationally as he watched Severus trying to regain his feet. "The wand is unbeatable."

"My Lord," Severus rasped out. The flaring pain in his knee where the Dark Lord's curse had hit him was making standing difficult. "If he doesn't expect you, if he can be taken before he draws the wand in defence, it can be won. So its history says."

The Dark Lord paused, folding his arms, tapping his chin with his wand tip. "Elaborate."

Severus bit the inside of his cheek, forcing all the pain down behind his shields. "If you personally can eliminate Dumbledore, you will gain the wand, and you may well draw out Potter from hiding. With the wand in hand, you are assured your victory. A decisive victory over Dumbledore by your own hand sends a powerful message across the world, further advancing your cause outside of Britain."

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