Chapter Sixteen

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Time seemed to slink by for the newly settled family. Hedwig, safely retrieved from Spain four days after their departure, to allow her to fly at a leisurely pace and to throw off any pursuers, had finally recovered from being port keyed across the Atlantic. She had been glad to be reunited with Harry, but out of sorts due to the travel. It was only as February was just about to leave Hedwig was finally back to her usual self. She roosted under the eaves of the house unless she wished to join the family in the kitchen. So far no one seemed to notice that the snowy owl had made their house a home. She didn't have a lot of work to do, but while she was recovering this was for the best. Harry hoped that once she was better, she would consent to carry mail to the friends they had made in school.

Owl ownership in America was a touchy thing. Outlawed by muggles in 1918, the wizarding population did not rely on them for mail, so she was a rarity. In America, Independent House Elves delivered wizarding mail. Much like back in England, you went to the post office, handed over your letter or parcel, and it was delivered to the recipient, just by Elf instead of an owl. This gave the elves employment with a level of independence. If they no longer wanted to serve in a house, they could leave and work for the postal service. Hermione thought it a marvellous thing, and since House Elf methods of transportation were faster than flight, the postal service was that much quicker. Honestly, she couldn't see why it hadn't caught on everywhere.

At a family dinner in the last week of February, the topic of them getting serious about defence arose. Harry had cooked with Helen helping. Hermione had been relegated to setting the table due to poor culinary skills, and they all sat around the table together, taking the time to gather together and discuss whatever was on anyone's mind.

"You've settled into school, your grades are steady, you've adapted and started making friends. It's time to look at exactly what you want to achieve and how to go about it." John stated. "There is no pressure to return, but equally if they come looking I want both of you to have a fighting chance. It seems more likely that anyone coming out here for you isn't going to be worried about the ramifications of breaking the law."

"I think you should attend regular self-defense classes as well as magical ones" Helen put in. "Relying on your wand is one thing, but if it's taken or broken, then you'd be helpless. It seems silly to put yourself in that situation when you can be taught how to get yourselves out of it."

"I think we should ask the school if they have an instructor on file that can teach you magical defence and offence, and sign you up for self-defence classes as well," John said. "Also, Hermione, are you planning on continuing with your transfiguration? Or was the month you spent with that leaf in your mouth enough to put you off?"

"No." she replied. "I want to continue with it, I've done a lot of the ground work now. I just need someone to guide me through the last parts." Harry shot her a quizzical look, so she elaborated. "When I found out that the Marauder's had trained to be Animagus at school I thought I'd give it a try. So I started in the summer, I thought it would be easier at home than at school since you have to hold the leaf in your mouth for a month."

"Oh, you didn't say," he said.

"Well I wasn't sure it would come to anything, and fourth year at Hogwarts was a busy one for us. If you want, I can give you all my notes and get you started?"

"Maybe, I'm not sure I want to, though. I'm mean, yeah, I know my Dad could do it but, that's not enough reason if you see. I'm not him and would he have done it anyway if it hadn't been for Remus?"

"Well, they are there if you want them. I've actually spoken to our Transfiguration Professor at school, and they are happy to coach me through it. They hold a class on a Wednesday night, so I thought I'd turn up and see."

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