Chapter Thirty-Three

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Chapter 33 - A Wedding and a Discovery

The Burrow looked lovely, the house was cleaned within an inch of its life, the trees decorated, and flowering bushes were in pots everywhere. Minerva had never seen it looking so good, she had, of course, heard all about it, Molly had spoken of nothing but the wedding for months.

The ceremony was lovely, the bride and groom plainly felt themselves in love, even silencing Molly in the end. Minerva had sat away from Albus, next to Remus and Nymphadora who was flashing her wedding ring gleefully at everyone. Remus bore it stoically, not wishing for the attention but the pleased air he gave off showed he didn't really mind his new wife's antics.

"We eloped!" Tonks crowed. "To France, took a leaf out of Hermione's book. Of course, we've been betrothed for months," she added with a comical roll of her eyes. "I was a shocked as the next person when Mum pulled the contract out."

Andromeda, who was sat the row behind with her husband Ted flashed a fond look at her daughter, Ted smiled, shaking his head.

"After all married is married. No one seems to care to who, even after all the espoused nonsense in the law," Tonks continued.

Minerva frowned slightly at that and looked around for Kingsley, spotting him by the buffet table she excused herself and made her way over.



"How is it down at the Ministry? You must be sick of weddings by now?" She took a drink off one of the roving Weasleys carrying trays.

"What makes you say that?" he asked, curious.

"This, this law. This travesty the Ministry instigated."

"Ah, well I suppose it hasn't been brought up in meetings, but let me ask you this Minerva. How many muggle born witches are there in the current Hogwarts year coming of age?"

Minerva paused in thought. "We have a number of muggle born."

"How many are girls?"

"Well, Miss Granger..."

"Yes, she is, in fact, the only muggle born witch in that year of Hogwarts."

"But that's impossible!"

"It's not, this law was crafted to catch her. It doesn't apply to males. It conveniently also controls all the witches that would carry children to further 'pollute' the magical bloodlines."

"But the half-bloods?"

"Yes, but there are a surprising number of squibs out there Minerva, it's shocking really," Kingsley said, a twinkle in his eye. He continued placing food on his plate walking slowly down the buffet table. "You best put a plate together," he advised. "I can see Molly coming."

Minerva glanced around confirming that yes, Molly was heading their way. She picked up a plate dropping some grapes on to it and some delicate pastries. "But..." she said getting the conversation back on track.

Kingsley looked at her sympathetically. "When the Daily Prophet announced that Harry had fled with Hermione, do you remember how the tide changed? All those who wanted to marry were the first in the queue as it were, so they are happy I suppose. Some are engaged, and there is no provision for how long you can stay engaged for. The law states you must be married, a legally binding engagement or betrothal contract is just as good under the law, a loophole a lovely Ravenclaw witch pointed out. Currently, the department that is in charge of enforcing the law is wading through it with the legal team. They can't shove it too hard you see, or it affects all the contracts the pureblood families use. If they aren't binding, then a number of those might be dissolved. Not something the families marrying for money and power want so, so far it's turning up solid. That news has done the rounds, and more are turning up with substantial engagement or betrothal contracts."

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