Chapter Forty-Two

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Chapter 42 - What Remus did next

Severus' portkey brought them back to her sitting room at the house, Folly was there seconds later to greet them. With a swish of her wand, Minerva cancelled the transfiguration on their clothes, their robes reappearing. Severus she noted, looked immediately more comfortable. The first step she took told her she was going to need to sleep well tonight, international portkey travel was tiring. Severus was at her elbow instantly with a steadying hand. She flashed him a grateful if slightly irritated look. "I'm fine," she said. "I'm not some frail old woman."

"As you say," he said, leaving his hand on her elbow, leading her to a chair.

"You needn't worry."

He ignored her comment and asked Folly for whisky. She raised a brow in query.

"I have no intention of returning to the castle today, I have been granted a reprieve, and I intend to make full use of it," he answered settling into a chair, accepting the drink the elf brought.

She sighed. "I don't think I could face Albus yet. I didn't say, but I believe Albus knew. On the night he placed Harry with the muggles, I asked him about the scar. He said he wouldn't fix it even if he could." She rested her elbow on the arm of the chair, propping her chin in her hand. "I can't believe he'd do that, not to a babe. What kind of monster is he?"

"He's not a monster Minerva."

"You're defending him?"

"No, I'm merely pointing out that he's hardly the first to make the wrong choice."

"You didn't leave a horcrux in a child," she noted acerbically.

"No, I told the Dark Lord half a prophecy that directly led to the events preceding it."

"You couldn't know then it was the Potters, that it was Lily."

He tried not to be surprised that she had put it together. He'd never said anything and had assumed, that like everyone else, she thought he had changed sides to save his skin. "Should it make a difference? Are my actions more or less reprehensible because I asked for one witch to be spared above all others?"

"Everyone has their reasons for standing against the Dark Lord. Why should yours be worth less than anyone else's?"

"Because I was a Death Eater first. A Death Eater still. Ask the Order Minerva, see how many of them think I am worthy of forgiveness."

"I don't care what they think," she replied. "I know you, Severus Snape, you are not the heartless, cold, sneering, sarcastic man you present to the world."

"Madam, you flatter me!"

"Bugger off," she said at his smirk. "If you were who you pretended to be I might well not be here. I am not so stupid to not realise that it was your actions that ensured my recovery. Poppy worked from the base you established."

He avoided her gaze staring at his drink. "Your elf-"

"Folly did as she ought to, she brought the most capable person to my aid. You did the rest, don't think I don't know Severus." He fidgeted in his chair uncomfortable with her gratitude, and she moved the conversation along. "What do we do next? Is there a reasonable and safe way to go after the Dark Lord?"

"No. We know he desires the wand, and that will be the draw, but going up against the wand to claim mastery over it? It's a risky prospect if the wand cannot be beaten it stands to reason that he would be unable to claim it without some underhandedness. In a direct battle, the wand should serve Albus."

"But Albus wants you to gain the wand. Shouldn't that mean something? That he's looking to be defeated?"

Severus shook his head. "I am not the person to ask. Garrick might be able to shed some light, but after his detention with the Malfoy's he's understandably leery of the topic."

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