Chapter Sixty

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Chapter 60 - Declaration of War

Severus rose early and called an elf to bring him tea. He supposed he should feel different. Last time he had been drowning himself in as much alcohol as he could physically imbibe as fast as he could. He had spent two weeks in hell back at Spinners End until Albus had blown apart his wards and dragged him up off the floor and back to the castle. Severus couldn't decide if he should be thankful for Albus' actions or not, even after all this time.

This time he wouldn't be on trial for being a Death Eater. This time he wouldn't be reviled publicly for his role in the war. He might even receive thanks. Severus snorted to himself at the idea and chided himself for being preposterous. It fleetingly crossed his mind that he might achieve the same level of fame Potter had after the first defeat of the Dark Lord. That thought made him pause, considering the horror of being hounded to that degree. Severus decided there, and then he was going to tell Kingsley the truth once. After that, he was going to point everyone and anyone in Minerva's direction. She'd probably hate the attention and have one or two things to say when she found out what he was doing, but it would be too late by then. He nodded to himself, satisfied that he had a workable solution.

He sat in his armchair in front of the fire nursing the cup of tea the elf had brought. He'd need to go to Spinners End this morning. The packet of information he'd gathered from the houses he'd visited looking for the horcrux could be handed over to Kingsley. It could be used to leverage against any charges he might be facing. It would also help Kingsley with the clearing of the Ministry of remaining Death Eaters or supports who had stayed away from the events at the Burrow. Kingsley seemed set on doing it properly this time.

Severus mulled that over. He hadn't yet heard who of the Dark Lord's followers had fallen. Kingsley would probably know by now. Severus would be surprised if either Kingsley or Percy Weasley had any sleep last night.

Severus cast a tempus to check the time and finding it was not overly early called another elf. He dispatched the elf with instructions and set about tidying himself up and summoned yet more tea for his soon to be arriving visitors.

A subdued crack announced the arrival of Minerva in his rooms.

"Isn't it at least polite to use the door or the floo? Have you not had enough of showing off yet?" Severus drawled at the witch as she sat herself down on his sofa and helped herself to the tea laid out.

"Nonsense," Minerva replied with a smile. "You summoned me. I merely came as soon as was timely."

Severus snorted and settled to wait, a welcome quiet falling between them. Minerva looked like she had at least found sleep last night. Dressed in her usual neat and prim manner, every inch the schoolteacher, not a glimpse of the warrior she had proven to be, was showing.

The knock on his office door sounded a bare five minutes later, and he rose to answer it. He returned with Draco at his heels. Draco on spying Minerva paused momentarily on the threshold.

"Come in Mr Malfoy," Minerva said, though with none of her usual sternness. Draco flicked an uncertain glance at Severus who indicated the available arm chair.

Draco sat stiffly on the edge of the chair nervously glancing between the two heads of houses.

"Draco," Severus began. "You requested of John Granger to have your mother removed from the Manor."

Draco nodded. "Yes, sir."

"Mr Granger spoke to Auror Shacklebolt on your behalf yesterday. Auror Shacklebolt agreed to Mr Granger's request, and your mother was retrieved. She is currently residing in a guest suite in the castle." Severus explained.

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