Chapter Thirty-One

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Chapter 31 - Experimental Magic

Exams were over, and they had a summer stretching out before them. Hermione had made a list of projects she wanted to start working on. Things that would help the people they had left behind, and allow her to use her magic to experiment and discover. Something that she had been unable to do in England as an underage witch.

She wanted to get the rechargeable magic rings working. She thought the application of physics her mother suggested, converting the heat back into magical energy a brilliant one and she knew she could do it. She also wanted to find out what other spells she could tie onto jewellery that might come in handy. How much magic could she make accessible to her parents? Magic was a tool, and she wanted them to be able to use it as much as possible. To share this unique thing she had been given.

Harry wanted to explore more strategy and tactics while they had the summer ahead. There were opportunities to learn more, and he wanted to take them. He also wanted to ski, they had not managed any time away since earlier in the year, and he had a burning itch to get back out onto the slopes.

Dobby had reported that Hedwig was doing well and had shown no inclination to come back with him. She had gone from Spain to Italy, then from Italy, had made a tour of the eastern bloc countries. She was currently heading up to Russia.

Their exam results would be returned by the middle of June just two weeks after the end of the term. They had been surprised at how quickly they were turned around compared to Hogwarts, but it had meant that the post exam ski trip could be taken sooner if he had met the standard set by John and Helen.

The evening classes they had taken during term time would continue. Hermione was dropping her Animagus class as she had successfully completed her transformation. She had transformed into a Margay and come home fizzing with excitement, desperate to show off. He had been impressed, and it had made him seriously reconsider studying the subject. Once the war was finished, he promised himself and followed Hermione to the park to watch her scramble amongst the trees that were the natural home for her kind. She was cute for an overgrown house cat he thought, at least she hadn't turned into a lion or something overly extravagant. She could sneak out in her form and not attract too much attention. It would be no use in a fight, but as a look out up a tree, her form might have uses, especially at night.

Harry and John had been holed up in the house library the Wednesday of the second week of the summer holidays. They had agreed that the Wednesday afternoon chats would continue no matter that Hermione had finished her Animagus training. She had taken up another project and barricaded herself away, so the time was still free.

Having reached a point in their discussion where they could go no further, they went to find Hermione. She was in the study room experimenting on more rings, the recharge feature was almost working, and she had slipped into manic, frenetic work mode. It was reminiscent of her behaviour as exams drew closer, she had been holing herself away as soon as breakfast was done. Dobby took her lunch to her, and she reappeared for dinner.

Harry and John entered the room after knocking and sat waiting for her to finish the notes she was writing. "How is it going?" John asked.

"I think I've got it. The last spell worked, but the rate of transfer was poor. It wasn't worth the time to apply the spell. I've tweaked it, and hopefully, the next one will have a better transfer rate."

"So you've basically finished?"

"Well. I wouldn't say that," Hermione replied looking at her notes dubiously.

"No you probably wouldn't, but if we asked you to start something else or give us a feasibility analysis on something else, you could do it?" John asked.

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