Chapter Fifteen

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The street looked very much the same as it had the other day. When they got to the foot of the drive, however, they could tell something was off.

As they stood there trying to work it out, and if it was safe to proceed, a voice came from behind them. "Are you the new owners? I'm Joyce I live next door; you've got yourself a stunning house there." They turned to see a woman in her fifties smiling at them invitingly.

"Oh err no, we aren't. We are colleagues of the Grangers, we haven't seen them in a while and thought we'd pop around since we were in the area. They've sold up you said? But they have a daughter still in school don't they?" Severus said covering for them.

"Oh, you mean Hermione? Oh yes, charming girl, known her since she was born. She's at a boarding school for the gifted, bright as a new penny that one, not surprising with her parents, though."

They both nodded in agreement, and the neighbour continued. "She finishes soon I believe; she was home for Christmas, briefly, but took the time to say hello. Lovely manners. They went skiing in Switzerland, ever so nice there, have you been?" They shook their heads, and she continued again. "Well Helen and John decided to downsize, now she wouldn't be around as much, not with that boyfriend of hers, he's a pleasant chap. Besotted with each other they are. So nice to see in a young couple, sometimes they get all funny and surly over the slightest thing. Well anyway, they moved three days ago. Got a lovely cottage in, ooh where was it, had a funny name, they came around with the details, ever so thrilled they were. Otter something or other I think."

"Ottery St Catchpole?" Minerva cut in.

"That's it," Joyce said. "However did you know?"

"We have a mutual colleague who lives just outside the village," Minerva replied.

"Oh well, there you go then! Yes, they were looking forward to it, sold the practice as well if you can believe! A new start they said, well good luck to them I say. There's not many who are brave enough to do it."

"Indeed, we thank you for your time, Joyce. Hopefully, we'll catch up with Helen and John via our mutual acquaintance," Severus said backing away slowly.

"Well, when you see them send them my love." She said cheerily. He nodded, took Minerva's arm turned, and walked away.

It was another silent return to Hogwarts and more whisky for the pair.

"Ottery St Catchpole?" Severus asked.

"The Burrow," Minerva answered.

"You're joking!"

"No," Minerva shook her head. "I'm beginning to wonder if I knew Miss Granger at all. She's left the neighbours with information that should the Dark Lord get his hands on, sends the Death Eaters straight at the Weasley's who were supposed to be her friends!"

Minerva looked upset, it took a moment for him to work out why then he huffed to himself and explained. "Yes, she did. She sent the magic wielding Death Eaters out of her muggle neighbourhood. Straight to the door of senior Order members, who have a heavily warded house, and the ability to deal with them."

Minerva looked at him for a moment then her shoulders dropped. "Oh Merlin, Severus, I didn't think of it like that."

"That's because you are Gryffindor through and through, and Miss Granger quite clearly isn't."

"I suppose that answers that question, though. Her parents were in on it and had no intention of leaving her to fend for herself. They've gone to meet them," Minerva sighed. "I don't know if that makes me feel better or worse. On the one hand, they are muggles and defenceless against those after them, and on the other, they will look after their daughter and Mr Potter."

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