Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter 26 - An Unexpected Meeting

Speechless didn't really cover it, and the twins stood gawping until Minerva snapped them out of it. "Really Severus, stop glowering at them."

He shifted his gaze, and it seemed to allow them to unfreeze. Suddenly solicitous they offered seats and assurances the whisky wasn't doctored. He didn't seem convinced but seemed willing to accept it on faith after Minerva glared at him.

"So please, feel free to explain why I find myself here of all places this evening."

"Harry and Hermione have been in touch. Sir," Fred said meeting Severus' eye.

"Have they," he said in a slow, thoughtful drawl. "And why Mr Weasley do you feel this happy news is worthy of my time or of Minerva's."

"Severus," Minerva said. "Do stop baiting him, he's no longer a student, and I asked you here."

He said nothing, not breaking his gaze from Fred but raised an eyebrow in challenge.

"They got through the wards, or at least we think they did."

"Your wards?" Severus asked interestedly.

"Bill set them, we added on to them afterwards," George piped up.

"You think Miss Granger bypassed wards set by a Gringotts curse breaker? High praise indeed." He stood and went over to the door splaying a hand out. The twins exchanged an uneasy glance.

"I can detect no rippling in your wards if she did indeed bypass them it has left no trace." He returned to his seat. "Why do you think she would risk imprisonment to visit?"

"She left us a birthday present."

He sneered at them, and they pointed to the box on the table next to the rings. Minerva picked the box up turning it over in her hands. "You didn't say why you were sure it was from them."

"There was a message," George said. "A spoken message when you opened the box."

Minerva looked interested and flipped the lid open. "Happy Birthday! Surprise!" rang out and a puff of confetti rained down over her hair and lap.

"Enchanted," she said a displeased moue on her lips.

"Oh," Fred said. "We didn't know it would do it again." He reached over and plucked the box from her fingers closing it and opening it again.

"Happy Birthday! Surprise!" rang out as another puff of confetti rained down.

"Yes well, now you've proved the veracity of your claim the reason I am here?" Severus said smirking as Minerva tried to brush the brightly coloured confetti off her clothes. She huffed and withdrew her wand to cast a vanishing charm.

"No!" Fred said urgently, but too late. The confetti multiplied as the spell hit it puffing up into the air from the magic. "You can't vanish it." He finished lamely. Minerva looked up at him a stern look upon her face

"And why, Mr Weasley would I not be able to use a perfectly good vanishing spell and why did you not see fit to tell me beforehand?" She increased the stern look to a full glare as she caught sight of Severus, sitting in the opposite armchair hiding the smile on his lips, poorly.

"Errm, it's the same spell on the whiz bangs," he said sheepishly.

"Indeed, so how do you suppose I get rid of this?" she asked tartly, standing up to let the shower of confetti fall around her.

Fred cast the counter-charm silently on the confetti covering Minerva then vanished it from her.

"Thank you, Mr Weasley," she said primly reseating herself.

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