Chapter Fifty-Nine

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Chapter 59 - Shockwaves

Percy took a breath before he followed Kingsley into the kitchen of his family home. The glamour ring was hiding him in plain sight. The little group the twins called the Secret Order obviously knew who he was despite it, but he'd already seen Bill and his elder brother had not recognised him.

He'd been there with Kingsley at the end and witnessed the events. The way that Harry, Hermione, Severus, and Minerva had together had taken down the wizard that had overshadowed Percy's entire life up until that point.

Percy had spent months spying in the Ministry, feeding information to Kingsley. They had developed a good working relationship, but he'd never lost the sense of impending doom hanging over him. That they were only a breath away from being discovered, and the consequences of his actions would be every nightmare he'd ever had. Now it was over, the monster vanquished his role no longer putting everything he loved at risk. Yet the work was just beginning, revelations were coming, the vacuum of power they had created would have to be filled. They were now going to have to emerge from the shadows and move openly against the one remaining wizard who could bring all their plans to ruin.

Percy stepped into the warmth of the Burrow and stared in shock. His mother was sat at the table while Minerva's elves, because who else would they belong to, ferried refreshments out of the kitchen. He took an unobtrusive spot against the wall next to Kingsley accepting with a nod of thanks the tea the elf held out. He watched his mother twitch and had to suppress his amusement that wanted to spread across his face. A quick glance at the table showed his brothers were all trying to hide their own amusement at their mother's predicament. He caught the twins' attention exchanging a brief smirk before expressions were schooled again. He was glad to see his family had come through the fight in one piece.

Albus cleared his throat, and Percy observed the man. He was sat in his father's chair. Percy bristled in indignation on behalf of his father who had been usurped in his own home. Arthur wouldn't care, Percy knew that he would be happy to defer to Albus, but Albus, a guest in the Burrow, should have better manners. Instead, he was playing the power games Percy had come to despise the man for, even now declaring that he was to be deferred to. Percy dropped his gaze before Albus noticed his reaction and decided to question it.

"Kingsley, perhaps now you are here, you would be so kind as to update us all on the situation?" Albus said an undercurrent of steel running through the words.

Kingsley, to Percy's profound gratitude, was no more enamoured of Albus than himself. Kingsley straightened off the wall and nodded once before saying. "Riddle is dead. His body has been contained and moved to a secure location. The Death Eaters who were present have been arrested and are currently being held. We'll transport them as soon as we have somewhere to put them. There's a team at the Ministry clearing some of the high-security cells. They'll be held there until the trials can be arranged which will start as soon as the Wizengamot can meet and elect a new Minister. I've had a report that Minister Thicknesse has retired with immediate effect. He is currently under monitored house arrest. Those Death Eaters that were injured or killed on the field are being rounded up. The injured are being transferred to the Ministry to the first lot of free cells where they will receive medical treatment. The dead are being held for identification. Any families that want to claim the bodies will be allowed to do so. Otherwise, disposal will fall to the Ministry. Thanks to the efforts of the healers here, our losses are significantly less than they could be."

Kingsley pulled a roll of parchment from his pocket. "I've a list of the dead that has been brought here so far. Unfortunately, Alastor Moody is on it. Unless anyone objects or comes forward, the Auror office will be claiming his body. He was one of us, we'll honour him." Kingsley paused a moment to let the news sink in, then continued. His tone was brisk, not inviting questions or remarks as he continued his debriefing. "Going forward, we'll clear out of your house Molly and Arthur, once we have everyone off the field, and the healers say their patients are able to leave. As soon as it's possible, so within the next few hours to a day or so, everyone will be required to give a statement. The Ministry will be petitioned to offer a blanket pardon for any spells that were used tonight that might otherwise have been cause for concern. The statements will also allow us to collect and corroborate the names of the Death Eaters present, which is information that we'll need for the trials. I don't anticipate there being any problems in getting that passed by the Ministry. We'll make the pardons specific and a one time deal. We don't want people going half-cocked on self-appointed missions of revenge. Other than that, I've got nothing else to tell you all. If you can make yourselves available to the Auror's taking your statements, that would be appreciated." Kingsley looked around the room watching as everything he said sunk in.

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