Chapter Fifty-Five

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Chapter 55 - Remus

"Gate duty?"

To his credit, Kingsley kept his expression blank. "Yes Remus, gate duty. You are one of the few people who knows how to sneak out of the castle and thus how to sneak in. You are a competent fighter in case there is any trouble, and I'll be honest, I like Tonks. I like her a lot, she's a good Auror, so yes for her I found somewhere you could be that would keep you out of the worst of it."

Remus growled. "I could be of more use to you with the Order, with Harry."

"It's not your call," Kingsley said over Remus protests. "The decision has been made." Kingsley clapped him on the shoulder. "Remus we don't need heroes, we need survivors. You're going to be a dad soon, take the post, we're not expecting much trouble at the school, but you never know. Survive, live another day."

Remus looked at him. "Who else?"

"Who else what?" Kingsley hedged.

"Who else told you to stick me on the back lines? You wouldn't do it just for Dora."

"I would actually, and I have," Kingsley answered. "It's the only thing I could do for a heavily pregnant witch who wants her ungrateful husband to come home safe."

Remus' face grew angry, and Kingsley cut him off. "Remus don't be an idiot, if you want to yell at her, do it tomorrow. Right now no one has time to deal with the fact you don't appreciate how much people care about you." He made to turn away, dismissing Remus saying. "Someone has to guard the exits and entrances to the castle. The Marauders had that knowledge, and Pettigrew is still out there. I can't force you, but you are the best person I can put out there."

Remus bit back his response and considered for a moment. "You think Peter would lead the Death Eaters into the castle?"

"I think Albus is going to be away from the castle. I believe that it gives them a window of opportunity that they might decide benefits them in some way. I believe that we won't leave the known entrances to the castle open and vulnerable when we don't have to. Bill Weasley has warded the entrances to the castle through the Shrieking Shack and Honeydukes. I'd feel better if someone familiar with Pettigrew's methods was there."

"Fine," Remus acquiesced after considering that for a moment.

"Good man," Kingsley said. "Grab a pack from the kitchen at Grimmauld Place before you go. It's got food, water, that sort of thing. Johnson and Spinnet will be joining you."


Kingsley grimaced. "Two volunteers, not long out of Hogwarts, you probably taught them. They know Fred and George."

"You're giving me babysitting duty along with gate duty?" Remus said offended.

Kingsley scowled at the man, his patience wearing thin. "No, I'm giving you two willing volunteers who aren't idiots and are handy with their wands. We don't have veterans Remus, we don't have the luxury of picking from ranks of experienced witches and wizards. We've got ranks of volunteers, some of which haven't been in a wand fight any more serious than the casual hexing inside of Hogwarts. Now if you have stopped your litany of complaints I have got other places to be and other things to deal with. They're good kids, they won't give you any trouble, and with a bit of luck they'll have an uneventful tale of gate duty to tell their children in the future."

Remus held up his hands in the face of Kingsley's tirade. "OK, OK I'm sorry. I'll get going. Are they meeting me there?"

"Yes, in Hogsmeade."

Remus nodded and held out his hand to Kingsley. "Stay safe," he offered.

The Auror looked back at him. "You too, or Tonks will take it out of my hide."

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