Chapter Forty

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Chapter 40 - Jamestown Virginia

The three companions landed lightly to one side of the car park, a screen of trees shielding them from the view of anyone who might have been watching. An unnecessary precaution; at 7am they were two hours away from the visitor's centre opening.

"Ah, they are here already," Remus said as they came out of the trees and into the car park.

"What? How do you know?" Minerva said looking around, not seeing anybody.

"There," he said pointing. She followed the line of his finger to the orange cat sat in the middle of the empty car park, watching them.

"I beg your pardon?" she asked.

"That is Hermione's cat, Crookshanks."

"And you know this how?"

"Well he came to the headquarters with her, but Sirius was quite fond of him after he stole the passwords to Gryffindor Tower. He is rather unmistakable."

"The cat stole the passwords?" Minerva asked puzzled. "But Longbottom..."

"Crookshanks somehow knew who Padfoot was. He stole the passwords from Neville and gave them to Sirius. He's half kneazle, Hermione said."

"He's not the most attractive," Severus pointed out.

"Hermione never struck me as shallow," Remus said mildly. They reached the cat and stood waiting to see what he would do.

Crookshanks for his part yowled at Remus and butted his head into his leg, rubbing up against him. Remus reached down and scratched his ears. Flicking his tail, Crookshanks stalked bandy-legged around Severus, eyeing him with the disdain that came naturally to his kind. Inspection finished he moved on to Minerva. She watched him with a small smile of amusement. "Confident of himself isn't he?"

"I would imagine he's neutered Minerva, before you get your hopes up," Severus drawled. Her head shot up to look at him, outrage written across her face. He smirked at her, and she glowered back, lips parting to return a no doubt scathing retort.

"Shall we?" Remus broke in, stepping forward after Crookshanks who had started walking to the path between the trees. Minerva harrumph in indignation followed Remus, Severus brought up the rear still smirking.

They followed Crookshanks through the trees to a field that was laid out with picnic tables. The tables were all empty except one, where a middle-aged couple were sat. Crookshanks made a beeline for them, and Minerva squinted trying to make them out. "I believe it's the Grangers," she said quietly to her companions.

They stopped by the table, and Helen and John rose from the bench to greet them.

"Hello," Helen said. "You must be Remus Lupin." She held out her hand, and Remus took it, looking around him. "I'm Helen, Hermione's mother, this is my husband, John. Professors McGonagall, Snape, I can't say we were expecting you."

Minerva stepped forward to offer her own hand. "Call me Minerva," she said. "And this is Severus." Severus rolled his eyes at her presumption but stepped forward to offer his own hand.


Helen eyed him speculatively making no comment. "Shall we sit?" she offered politely after John had shaken hands.

"Where are they?" Remus asked a little sharply.

"Waiting," Helen said.

"Waiting for what?" Remus asked.

"Waiting for confirmation that Mr Dumbledore has not placed any tracking charms on yourselves and is still occupied elsewhere and that this is not an ambush. It shouldn't take more than another minute or two, but they won't be arriving until we've had it."

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