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Just to let you guys know this left off from where Wednesday sees Enid kiss Tenzin from the balcony. (From Why... on Wenclair <3)

[Wednesdays POV] I walk out to the balcony, watching the moon as its comforting glow lures my eyes. I consider playing my cello, but whats the use? Nothing can get this out of my head. I look down at the yard and see Enid with 3 people. Her mom and dad it looks like, but who is that other person? His laugh sounds, and I immediately know who it is. Tenzin. Tenzin fucking Gray. Why. Why?

I see them talking, all together. Her mother slightly gestures her hand for some reason. Enid nods her head, turns to Tenzin and... and... kisses him. My heart dropped to my stomach. Im just in shock. I cant move, can't breathe, cant think... Why is it like this? What is this new feeling? Overwhelming emotions flood my head and now my eyes. Tears? I dont cry. 'Crying is a waste of time. Crying is a waste of time' I thought to myself. That just made it worse.

They take over my eyes, blinding me in a blurry mess, my tears rapidly flowing down my cheeks. The more I think about it, the more I sob. I wish Thing was here, he had gone back to my house to visit awhile. Before I knew it, I could hear the blissful, calming sound of a guitar strumming. Someones voice echoed through the endless night sky. The moon seemed to glow brighter as if the music enlightened it.

A voice soon sounded. Not singing, but humming. Nevertheless it was beautiful. I hear some sort of-shimmering noise? I look up to see Atlas, swirling and spinning around, half laying on a mat of dark magic. She was high above me, not noticing me as she was very lost in the music.

The tears welled back to me as I looked back down. Enid now holding his fucking hand. Did I do something wrong? Was it me? I sniffled loudly. The music and humming stops. I hear the shimmering sounding to me. "Whats wrong, piccoletta?" the soft voice of Atlas asked. I couldnt bring myself to talk. She landed on the balcony beside me.

Enid was now sitting beside him. Him. Ill kill him. The slow, ruthless, bloody demise will meet him soon if he doesnt back off. But... They kissed. Enid started it. Its me, huh? My fault. My tears spill out even more. Atlas looked down. "Your girlfriend doing something bad?"

"Shes not my girlfriend." I said. "oh." Atlas finally said. I watched them. It hurt, so, bad. Something impulsed me. Took control of me. The next thing I knew, I had my arms wrapped around Atlas, sobbing into her lower shoulder. I could tell she didnt know what to do as she slowly hugged me back. She rubbed my back, telling me that its okay, telling me not to worry. Her comfort calmed me down.

I just wanted to be held. Why? I have never done this before. Never. These... Changes have only occurred when it came to Enid. But its all pain. Maybe I needed to be with someone better. Someone like... Never mind. I shouldnt be thinking about this. I love Enid. I have never loved anyone else like this much less 'like' anyone. But she hurt me. So many times. With him. My tears subsided as Atlas still held me. I ever so slightly pulled my head from her shoulder, looking into her eyes. Shes so hard to read. Hard to predict. To know what shes thinking must take skill.

But I knew what I was thinking. I pulled my face close to hers. Atlas pulled away. "Woah. Wednesday. Do you really want to do this? Think about this now. Think about her." She pointed to Enid. Im hurt. Im not thinking now. Just doing. I went up onto my tippy toes, I made our lips meet. Atlas shook a little bit. She was taken a back, stepping one foot backwards. She soon embraced the kiss, holding me as she kissed me again. Atlas pulled away.

"Was that a mistake Wednesday?" I looked at her, then to Enid. "Enid kissing Tenzin was a mistake. But she went in for his kiss." I scoffed angrily. I looked back at Atlas. She seemed concerned. This time I could see it in her eyes. I ignored it. I went in for another kiss. She tasted like candy. We went back into the room. We kissed again, this time Atlas leading. She sat me down on my bed, but didnt do anything further. She knelt down, taking my hands. "Wednesday, I think your confused... You dont want me. In reality, you want her. Dont do this to me, or her."

I pushed her onto the bed with me. "How do I know who I love?" I asked her. "She hurt me, Atlas." I said. "Think about it Wednesday. You love her. Not me. Thats why you were crying so hard about it." She softly answered, looking into my eyes with concern and empathy. "Im not ready yet. I dont want to see her right now." I became enflamed with anger, reimagining their kiss.

I lay down with Atlas. Atlas sat against my bedpost, my head on her lap. I fell asleep there. We later heard keys in the door.

Here we go.

Enid comes in, holding Tenzin's hand. Enid pushes him to the wall, kissing him before noticing me and Atlas. Enid has her guilty face on. "Oh! Hey Wednesday... Didnt see you there."

My body felt like it had been set ablaze. "After everything we've done together, Everything we've been through... You wanna do this? I LOVED you Enid. You were the first person to make me feel this way... How could you? Did our kisses mean nothing?" I spat.

Atlas set a hand on my shoulder gesturing that she was here if I needed her. I didn't pay attention to that. "And? Who is that? Why is she here?" Enid accused. I raised my voice, which isn't something I usually do. "Shes here because you weren't! All you wanna do is Tenzin this Tenzin that. Well you do that then. Fuck you Enid, go fall into a ditch. Go live your friendship and rainbows with this bitch." I looked to Tenzin.

He stayed quiet. As he should. Enid stayed quiet too, not having anything to add to this argument. Atlas helped me pack my things. She stayed quiet as well. I appreciate the fact that she says nothing more, knowing that will piss me off more.

I grabbed as much as I could and so did Atlas. Atlas went onto the balcony quickly to grab her guitar. I turned to her and nodded. "Wait Wens! You can't leave. Without this." Enid said, handing me my snood. I scoffed. "Keep it. Burn. It. Or give it to that bitch over there. He's yours now, right Sinclair?"

"And never. Call me that again." I added. Tears welded in her eyes. I dont give a shit. That new bitch of hers can wipe her tears. I dont want anything to do with her. Atlas opened the door for me and led me to her room. We set my things down. I put everything in place.

I couldn't take all of this anymore. Im done with this shit. I went into the bathroom, Atlas sitting on her bed, looking at the floor. I left the bathroom door open and I went into the shower fully clothed. I turned on the water and just sobbed.

My body grew weak, I leaned on the wall for support. Atlas saw me and got in the shower with all her clothes on as well. She held me close. I leaned into her, my tears overwhelming me. "Why me? Why." I sobbed into her chest.

Atlas rubbed my back, comforting me. Telling me that it was okay. Telling me that it will get better. But will it really ever get better? She turned off the water. She sat me down on a stool. She handed me a towel to pat down my drenched clothes.

She walked out of the bathroom and came back after a few seconds. She handed me some clothes. "Here. They're mine, I didnt want to go through your stuff. You dont have to wear it if you dont want to." She said. I nodded my head and Atlas walked out of the bathroom.

After I changed I came out of the bathroom to get my toothbrush. Atlas had changed too. She sat on her bed, leaning against the bedpost reading a book. I looked to the side of her bed. A shelf full of books and figures. She waited for me to finish using the bathroom.

I walked over to my new bed after I was done getting ready for bed. I lie awake watching the lifeless ceiling. I thought about everything. Everything we had done. Every kiss. Our first meeting. This made my tears flow down to sides of my face again. I turned to my side as I sobbed again. Atlas walked out of the bathroom.

She paused as she heard my sobs. I could tell she didnt know whether to help me or just leave me be and go to her bed. I helped her with her decision. I got up from my bed and walked over to her. I hugged her, her crazy good shampoo wafting to my nose. She hugged me back. As I let go she said- "Im gonna go to bed. Do whatever you need to."

I followed her to her bed. She noticed and turned around. She looked into my eyes and sighed, giving me her soft smile. She got into bed and I followed. I clung onto her. She laughed very softly. I lay my head on her chest. I focused on her heartbeat. As her heartbeat rang in my head, it lured me to sleep. Her hand rested on my back.

The moonlight shone through the window, slightly enlightening this melancholy full day.

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