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[Atlas's POV] "Atlas."



I was shaken awake. I opened my eyes to see Wednesday, a trace of panic lurked in her eyes. "Huaghh.." I mumbled. My head still ached. It throbbed. I lifted myself up. I stumbled to the water bottles, grabbed one, and staggered into the bathroom.

My peripheral vision was starting to grow black. I grasped at the cabinet. I managed to open it and grab the ibuprofen. "Ugh.." I muttered my vision started to go black. I lost my balance, falling onto the floor.

"Atlas!" was the last thing I heard.

[Wednesdays POV] What the hell happened? I tried to move her, but she was too heavy. I was going to need... help. Yes, I needed help. I quickly walked to Yoko's room.  I knocked loudly, not eager to waste any more time.

Yoko opened to door. "Whaddya need Wednesday?" she asked in a polite tone. "I need your help. Atlas passed out for an unknown reason. Help me get her onto the bed so she can rest." I explained. Yoko looked shocked but nodded her head.

We entered our room. I pointed to the bathroom. Yoko tried to lift Atlas herself but failed. "GEEZ what does this dude eat!" She complained, grunting with every pull of the lifeless Atlas. I gave her the death stare.

Yoko looked up at me. "Im sorry, I didnt mean it that way." she said. "Just shut up and help me." I spat. We barely managed to lift her off the ground. We dragged her to the side of the bed, the friction from the floor lifted her shirt up. It revealed her toned body, her abs show. Yoko's jaw dropped.

"I wanna be as hot as that." she said.

I picked Atlas up by the feet and Yoko took her shoulders. "1.. 2.. 3!" Yoko counted as we swung her onto the bed. "What do I do now?" I asked.

"Well it looked like Atlas was reaching for the ibuprofen, so give her one of those when she wakes up." Yoko said as she picked up the bottle of pills. I nodded, pulling the sheets over Atlas. Her body rose and fell with her long breaths.

"Woah! When did this thing get here!?" Yoko screamed as Altos took flight above. He landed beside me. "A while, his name is Altos. Im guessing you know who's it is." I explained. I stroked Altos's head. He nudged his head into my hand.

"Awww!" Yoko said. She came over to pet him. Altos backed up at first, not sure of Yoko. Yoko stroked him. Altos made sort of a... purring sound? From beside us, we heard a groaning. "Auhhggggauu" It sounded like that, but to translate for you, 'Ugh, ow." I am the only one who knows this language besides from Atlas. Haha.

"Atlas! Are you okay? What happened?" I rapidly asked. Atlas smiled. "Awwww. Someone cares about meeee!" they covered their smile with their hand. I punched her shoulder. "Ahhhh howww! Why would you do that? Im already drained enough..." She groaned again. "Gimme ibuprofen."

Again, it sounded more like "geh me imbue prop enahhh" but of course, ive learned this language. I grabbed the bottle of pills that Yoko had set aside. Atlas sat up. "Oh. You're here. Hi" she said to Yoko. I could tell Atlas was still a bit skeptical about Yoko. "Dont worry, she helped me carry your heavy ass." I spat.

"Heyy...!" Atlas frowned. She took the pills and water from my hands, placing a pill into her mouth and gulped down water with it. Atlas set down the stuff, plopping back down on her bed. I sighed. "Alright Yoko, you can go now." I said. "Uhmm. So thats it? No thank you?" She smirked.

"Consider me letting you go as thanks. Unless you'd like something else?" I said. "Yep, yes ma'am. Ill be leaving now- haha." She quickly said, leaving the room. "Wehhnessdeyy" I heard from behind me. Atlas was lying on her stomach, her arm off her bed, waving at me.

I walked over. "Can you make me sum tea???" Atlas asked. "Whatever." I said. I made the tea for her. Her favorite, lemon. I walked over to her bed, careful not to spill it. "Here, bozo." I said, handing Atlas the tea as they sat up. "Thank you, my love." Atlas said as she locked eyes with me. Her eyes were full of love.

I turned around. What was that? It made me want to smile, but we had bigger problems than this. I heard Atlas get up. "Aaggghh"

She stretched. "Noooo... im soreee...UGH." Altos fluffed up his feathers, turning him into a little fluffy ball. "Okay. Seriously Atlas, what did you do?" I confronted her. "I did what you told me, I trained with Altos here. Altos, come." she ordered. Before Altos could touch her, he turned into a small owl on a platform. Atlas caught him, pressed something, and out came a staff.

"But you didnt say anything. Arent you supposed to?" I asked. "When its an easy spell or you mastered it, you dont have to say anything. You can think it, and boom!" Atlas explained, spinning the Altos staff around. "Okay stop before you hit me with that." I said. Atlas shrugged and slammed the bottom of the staff on the floor. Altos flew out of the cloud of smoke that appeared. Somewhat impressive I must admit.

"Hey." Atlas said to me as I backed up to the wall. She came closer, not wanting to play hard to answer. "Why have you been somewhat avoiding me?" she asked. I didnt want to answer that question. Even though I left for what, hours? I missed her so much.

[Atlas's POV] Why, Wednesday? What was so important that I couldn't come to protect you? She looked at the floor. I tilted her chin up, making her look at me. Her eyes soften, the tension between us slowly building. "Answer me, please." I insisted. Wednesday's hands now rested on my jacket. She sighed, looking down at her hands. "What?" I asked.

She gripped my jacket, pulling me closer. I put my hand onto the wall for support. I leaned down to her. She hugged me, her head in the crook of my neck. Her breath whispered on my neck, sending a shiver down my body. I wrapped my free arm around her, pressing her body onto mine. She looked back into my eyes.

I leaned in, but I kept millimeters of space between our lips. I paused there. She leaned into me, trying to go for a kiss. I pulled back before she could. She looked at me in question. I leaned to her ear. "Im sorry, but you're not getting anything until you answer me." I whispered. She gripped my jacket harder but eventually let go as she shoved me away.

I sighed and went to go lay on my bed. I closed my eyes. The next thing I knew, Wednesday was next to me. I looked at her, expecting an answer. She stayed quiet still. She lay beside me.

Her hands slivered onto my body as she started to cuddle me. Finally, in a soft voice, she spoke. "I saw you get hurt. In a vision. I was scared, okay? I was going to find clues of where Thornhill could be hiding. Thats it." she explained. "So? Thats still dangerous! Why didnt you let me come." I said.

"I dont want to risk hurting y-" I cut her off. "No. Im not going to risk you getting hurt. I have to protect you." I spat. "Im not some little kid you have to protect all the time! Its not like ill die if were separated for hours!" she started to raise her voice.

"Its my job to protect you, Wednesday. I love you too much to even fathom you getting hurt." I said, keeping my calm tone. Wednesday got out from my bed. "I dont need you to protect me all the time. Its like I can never have some space from you. I can never catch a break." she said coldly.

"Is that... is that what you want? A break?" I muttered, my voice starting to tremble. "Atlas thats not..." Wednesday justified. "If you dont need me, or want a break, say that." I demanded. I waited for an answer. She thought about it. "I want a break." she finally answered. "Okay." I replied.

Oh God. What just happened.

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