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[Atlas's POV]
"Also, you said im yours did you really mean that?" Wednesday questioned.

"Haha... I- uhm." I stuttered.

"Maybe." I finally managed to get out.

"Do you... Love me?" she asked.

Uh oh. 😩😳

As soon as Wednesday asked this,  a few seconds later Yoko ran up to us. "What the hell happened to that guy!? And why the fuck was his arm broken!" She demanded.

"He tried to rape Wednesday. I wasn't gonna let that happen." I said. "Oh shit." Yoko said, putting a hand over her mouth. She saw my hand on Wednesday's shoulder. Yoko smirked. "Well arent you protective of a certain someone~" she teased. I realized what she was getting at and took my hand off of Wednesday's shoulder.

"Heheh. Anyways, that dance competition is going to start. Good prize too~!" she calmly walked out of the hallway, chuckling like a maniac. Wednesday and I looked at each other. 'Weird' I think we both thought that. I offered my hand and she took it.

We came back into the lobby. I forgot about the sodas and walked Wednesday over to the dance floor. People spread out with their partners. There were 6 couples in all. Enid and Tenzin. Oh lord. Wednesday squeezed my hand harshly, but I didn't mind.

"Alright, Alright! Lets get this dance started. This first dance will be a passing one. When the music stops, find a new partner." Bianca yelled from on top of the stairs. The music started. I bowed down, my hand free and pleading for hers. "May I have this dance, Wednesday Addams?" I asked.

She smirked and took my hand. Wednesday and I waltzed together. Our eyes locked. I saw a sparkle in her eyes as we spun. It felt like the world stopped. Just for us. Time was slowed. Her eyes glimmered. We re-entered reality. We stepped apart, still holding hands. I spun her round. A little laugh escaped from her. Oh, how I love her. It made me flashback to the time we first danced.

The thought made me warm. We froze as the music stopped. She looked into my eyes with a sight of fear. I turned Wednesday away and gave her a little push. I knew she wanted to stay. I turned around. Uh oh... It was Enid. She smiled at me expectantly. Well this kills the vibe. I took her hands. I sighed, not wanting to do this.

We spun around. Enid put her body close to mine. I tried pulling away but she kept coming closer. She looked up at me and blushed. She looked to the floor. There is NO WAY. I looked to my left. Wednesday saw what had happened while dancing with a random guy. She scowled. 'Help me' I mouthed to her.

She rolled her eyes. Enid forced me to look at her. She grabbed my chin and turned it in her direction. I lifted my head up a bit more incase she tried anything funny. I want to get away from her. Didnt she dislike me not too long ago?

She pressed her head into my chest. AWW HELL NAH. This was only a Wednesday thing. I took my right hand and pushed her head off of me. "Dont push it, Enid." I scolded. The music stopped. I turned to find a man standing behind me. He was shorter than me, I didnt mind.

He took the dominant moves of the dance. I didnt really care. We spun for a while. "OKAYYYY ITS OVERRR! EVERYONE VOTE FOR YOUR FAVORITE COUPLES! THREE WILL CONTINUE ON TO THE NEXT ROUND." Bianca exclaimed.

Everyone pulled out their phones. I quickly left the guy and found Wednesday. We stood against the wall. She linked my arm with hers. We waited a few minutes. "What the hell was she trying to do.." Wednesday said while looking at Enid. "I dont know. I think she likes me." I explained.

"Well do you... like me?" she asked. I started to panic. What if I confess and she doesnt like me back? She really could have used me for comfort. No not used, she needed me. Well does she really need me?

"Tell me." Wednesday demanded. She stared into my eyes.

"I... have another question before I answer that." I muttered, breaking our eye contact and looking at the floor. My stomach burned with panic.

"Do you 𝒏𝒆𝒆𝒅 me, Wednesday Addams?" I asked. I looked back down into her eyes. It looked like she was thinking about it. She reached her arm up and cupped my cheek.

I put my own hand on top of hers, warming her sort of cold hands. Our eye contact deepened more. My hearted raced as I awaited her answer. Please, give in to me. Because 𝐼 need you.

She showed me a smile and nodded. I let out a big exhale. My heart pounded in my throat. "Now answer my question." she demanded. "I love you. I think always have. From the very moment that you asked me for a quad over ice in the Weathervane. (she let out a short laugh) I love dancing with you. I love your smile, your voice, your eyes, your hair. Everything. Id give everything to you if I could. I love you, Piccoletta."

She smiled at me, her rosy cheeks flushed. Her thumb stroked my cheek. My face flared as she leaned in for a kiss. I love her so much. More than anything in the world. I wouldnt give her up for anything, even if I was given all the money in the world. Because if I didn't have her, all the money in the world would mean nothing. Life would have no meaning for me.

We both shared smiles as our lips parted. "I love you, Atlas King." she whispered into my ear, on her tip toes. My body filled with warmth and love. I never want to let her go.

I looked up as Bianca came back to the top of the stairs. I saw Enid in the corner of my eye, glaring at us. I stared at her back as Wednesday hugged me.  "HeYyYyy everyone! The votes are innn! Enid and Tenzin, Atlas and Wednesday, Eddie and Hayley! You have moved on the to next round! Get ready, the next challenge is in 5 minutes." she announced.

"I wonder what the prize is." Wednesday said. "Ion know. Bianca did say that it was gonna be good though." I answered. 5 minutes flew by, Wednesday's head on my chest the entire time. I stayed perfectly still, not wanting to disturb the resting Wednesday.

[Wednesday's POV] Atlas loves me. Im so relieved to hear everything she said in that moment. Even the very little things we do together I will cherish to the very end. I still had my head on Atlas's chest. She was so comforting.

"Next challenge! Improvisation! We will put one random song on, each teaming will have a different song. Improvise to the best of your abilities!" Bianca said to everyone. 

The remaining couples surfaced to the dance floor. "Enid and Tenzin!!"  Bianca called. They smiled as they looked at each other. Horrid.

The song came on and they started to dance. They were pulling moves, but trying to follow what they couldn't see. The song ended and the audience clapped. "Atlas and Wednesday!" Bianca called next. Atlas and I met in the middle of the dance floor.

She smiled and took my hand. She said she loves dancing with me. The feeling is mutual. The music started. We both perked up and locked eyes. We knew this song. It was more modern, but Atlas sung it while playing her guitar all the time. I love her singing. (The song is Aphrodite by RINI)

Our hands met and we walked in a circle for the intro. As the songs words came in, Atlas made quick but smooth movements. I went along with it. As the snaps came in, Atlas took a step back and snapped with the song. I did the same. We did this twice and moved on. Our elegant movements synchronized, our eyes sparkling.

The song ended. We bowed to each other. Atlas took my hand and kissed it. Hah. I love that 🥰. We walked back to the edge of the audience as the last couple were called. We waited as they danced.

When they stopped, people took their phones out to vote again.

Lets see who wins the last challenge.

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