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[Atlas POV] Its been about two weeks. Wednesday's foot has finally healed so shes up and walking again. In the time that has passed, Altos has gotten a bit better and bigger. I have taught him love and affection. Trust most importantly. His wing should be better in about a week. I have taught him tricks like wave, step up, and how to poop on the newspaper (10/10 needed skill). He has grown so close to me. I wonder how he shifted to look more like me. Maybe mother knows about this.

Wednesday walked out of the dorm to go somewhere. She didnt tell me where, but I dont think I should worry too much about Wednesday Addams. I grabbed my phone. Altos perched on my shoulder. I facetimed my mother. She picked up. "Yes, Atlas? What might my beautiful daughter need?" she asked. "Wait, whos owl is that?" she asked again.

"Its mine mother. I found it hurt. I managed to heal it halfway but he still has about a week until it heals up. His name is Altos. He... After he looked into my eyes I put him in my shirt. When I took him back out he changed appearances. He looks like... me." I explained. "Oh my. This early? Its a 1/10,000 chance for great heavens!" She conversed. "What do you mean this early? 1/10,000 chance? What?" I said confused.

"Honey. That owl has what we call... spiritually merged with you. He must have seen something in you when he looked in your eyes. This means that you are strong. Really strong, to get him at this age. You must forge a strong connection together. Love, trust, weakness, vulnerability. There is one test you must do, to truly know he is 𝑜𝑛𝑒 with you." she explained. "And what is that test...?" I asked.

"You have to have a life and death experience with Altos. If he helps you and doesn't fly off unless commanded to, he is yours." She answered me. I looked at Altos in awe. "I dont know if you remember, but your grandpa had an animal. A tiger. He met it inside of the hills of Laos. It was caught it a trap, awaiting its demise of being skinned for its coat. He cut the net and released the tiger. It fiercely pounced on your grandfather, pinning him down. But when the tiger looked into his eyes, some of the qualities your grandfather had now shown on the tiger. It died with him." She said sadly.

I looked over at the book that grandpa had given me. I missed him. Mother changed the subject; "Did you say you half healed the bird? My you are so strong for someone your age! Im so proud honey!" she exclaimed. I smiled. "Okay mom, ive gotta go. Love you mom." I said. "Love you too honey, mwah!" she said as she hung up. I looked at Altos. He chirped and cooed at me.

[Wednesdays POV] I left Atlas without a word. I needed to find that police car. I need to find out what happened. I walk around the forest for what felt like hours. I see a credibly noticeable bluish green contrast from the brown of a tree. Glasses? Hold on. They look like... Thornhill's glasses. I walk up to them. I slowly reach my fingers out to them. As soon as I touch them, my head gets thrown back.

A vision. I havent had a vision for so long. Why now?

It was all dark. I opened my eyes. I was being bombarded by bees. I see... me? I step on my head (if that makes sense) and I black out. The next thing I knew it was all dark again.

"Avenge me." something whispered.


"AVENGE ME." The voice of Joseph Crackstone boomed through the air. I gasped as I awoke buried in dirt. I reached my hand up through the now loose dirt. I dug myself out. I looked down at my shoes. Oh my god. Am I in Thornhills body? Oh shit. Shes back. She took off her glasses and threw them to the tree. She could see clearly now. Blueish green magic whispered at her fingers.

The same shade of Crackstones staff. Oh shit. She walked off. I was yanked back into reality. It was getting dark. I ran back to the dorm. Atlas was recreating with Altos. I slammed the door behind me, huffing and puffing from my run.

"Woah! What happened to you?" Atlas asked me. Altos cooed in unison. We exchanged stories. "Theres no way she's back! Thats... Thats crazy. Right?" Atlas said. "I dont know. All we can do is wait. Im gonna need you to take me to that police car tomorrow." I demanded. Atlas sighed and agreed.

Altos started to flap around. He kept at it. "Altos stop, your wing is still broken." Atlas told him. He shrieked at her. Batting his hurt wing on her leg. "Fine fine whatever, Ill take it off." Atlas finally said. Altos hobbled over to her. She took the bandage off. As soon as she did, Altos took flight. He soared around the room. I ducked as he flew over my head.

He landed on top of the dresser and pecked at the window. "hoooo." Altos went. "You're better already? That was way quicker than I thought. Come on, lets go fly outside. Just promise to come back." Atlas announced, fitting on her glove. "Come." Atlas demanded.

Altos did just as she said and landed on her glove. We walked to the huge field. Altos cooed at Atlas, seeking approval. Atlas nodded and off Altos went. He flew high into the sky, nosediving close to the ground. He spread his wings right before he hit the ground, sending him back into the sky. As he flapped his wings, dark waves of magic the same color as Atlas's flew towards us.

Altos continued to fly above us, his silhouette soaring around in the moonlight.

Wedlas (Wednesday x Atlas) Where stories live. Discover now