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Atlas put her guitar back on its wall mount. She strummed it one last time and walked away. I sat on my bed, not knowing what to do next. Atlas looked at me. "Wanna go walk to the lake?" She asked me. I nodded. It was about 5:00 pm.

We walked out of the dorms and onto the path. I walked slightly behind Atlas. I wanted to reach for her hand. Maybe I shouldn't... We came up on the lake. Atlas and I sat on the boardwalk. "Guess what I brought!" Atlas said happily. I tilted my head a bit. Atlas reached into her pocket and pulled out some fish food.

I scoffed as she opened it up. Carp were already surfacing, waiting for her to throw the food. Atlas threw just a little bit. The group of carps swam away immediately. "Um, well that isn't supposed to happen." Atlas said. A small fish came up and started eating. Why just this one fish? Where's the rest?

Just then, a much bigger fish swam up and swallowed the small fish whole. This made me smile. How amusing, the circle of life. Atlas gasped, she looked at me with her stupid gaping mouth. Just like one of those carp's. On the other side we see two figures. The eerie mist that rose from the lake shadowed them.

Atlas grasped at my hand. We stood close together. "Look at all the fishies!" Somebody said. I rolled my eyes. It was Enid and Tenzin. "Hey. Lets get out of here." I told Atlas. She nodded.

[Atlas's POV] Oh Wednesday. Its just Enid, nothing to be scared about. Im here. Here to protect you. She started to walk away. She started to jog. She tried to jump over the huge rocks. Wednesday shouted. She fell to the rocks. I ran to her, seeing whats wrong. She had caught her ankle in the large crevice of the rocks. "Have you broken it?" I asked. "I- I dont know!" She gasped in pain.

Wednesday tried to pick herself up but fell back to the previous position. "Ah, ah, ah." I said. "No walking for you."
I picked her up, my right arm in the crooks of her legs, and my left supporting her back. Wednesday squirmed in my arms. "Put me down! Im fine."

"Nah uh, piccoletta." I replied. I started walking towards the school. She was surprisingly light. "You're such a klutz, piccoletta." I said softly to her. She wrapped her arms around my neck. "Whatever." Wednesday spat. My cheeks burned. I finally got to the door. I struggled to open it for a second. I opened it and started towards the nurses office.

"Oh my! What happened?" The nurse questioned as I walked in. "Its quite late at night for this." She has me lay Wednesday on a bed. "I think she broke her ankle, she caught it in a rock crevice." I explained. "Im. Fine." Wednesday said. The nurse examined her ankle anyways. "Its not broken, just a sprain." the nurse announced.

The nurse brought out a boot. "You'll have to wear this until it gets better." She put it on Wednesday. Wednesday rolled her eyes. The nurse handed her some crutches. Wednesday pushed them away. She looked at me. "Carry me." She said.

"Well that works too I guess, as long as you're willing to do this 24/7." The nurse told me. I nodded. "Alright! You should be good to go now. Take these too." She handed me some pain killers. I used my magic to bring Wednesday into my arms. I shortly bowed. "Thank you." I said to the nurse. She nodded and off we went.

I got to our room and set her on her own bed. "Rest, you klutz." I teased. "Shut up. Cant you just heal this with you magic?" She asked. "Its not that easy. It takes a lot to memorize the spell and exert that kind of power." I said. Wednesday sighed. "I could try, but I might hurt you." I added. "Then do it." She demanded. "Wednesday no." I replied.

"Ugh." Wednesday groaned. She smiled deviously. "Atlas. Water." She demanded. "I know what you're trying to do. Get your own water." I said.
"But Atlassss my foot hurts!" Wednesday teased, using her injury to get free service from me.

I got up and grabbed a water bottle. I cracked it open. "Okay you can have the water, but you gotta gimme a kiss first." I teased. "What? No. Give me my water." her cheeks turned pink. "Cmon! Right here." I pointed at my cheek and knelt down beside the bed. Wednesday scoffed. She looked into my eyes, trying to read me. I showed nothing.

Wednesday rolled her eyes. She grabbed my chin and turned it towards her. She kissed me square on the lips. My cheeks burned fiercely. "Ooooo kay-" I muttered. "Im gonna uh, take a shower." I said to her. I gathered my clothes and went into my bathroom. I took a hot steamy shower, taking my time and just standing in the hot water.

I grabbed my towel and dried my body off. I put my clothes o- Shit. I left my shirt on my bed. I used my towel to block my upper body. I walked quickly out of the bathroom and to my bed. I looked back at Wednesday. Her eyes were closed, and seemed to be relaxed. She was asleep.

I sighed in relief and put my towel down. I grasped my shir- "Atlas?" Wednesday said sleepily. I turned around. Wednesday immediately turned red. I quickly put my shirt on all the way. "Pfft." I laughed. I went back to brush my teeth. "Atlasss I need to brush my teeth too." Wednesday said from her bed.

I walked over and helped her to the bathroom. She brushed her teeth and I helped her walk back to the bed. She lay down, closing her eyes. I walked over to my bed. "Goodnight, Piccoletta." I whispered, loud enough for her to hear.

"Goodnight, Torre." Wednesday replied.

"Tower?" I questioned.

"Because you tower over me, stupid." Wednesday sighed.

I laughed softly.

"Goodnight now."

No reply. I clicked off the lamp and I dozed off.

[Enid and Tenzin at the lake: 🧍🏼‍♀️🧍🏽]

Also I legit know no Italian so help me if you are 😭😭😭

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