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[Atlas's POV] I was supposed to protect her. Not get her stabbed by this fucking witch. And there I stood, about 20 feet away from Wednesday, my legs feeling like they could shatter to pieces at any moment. The mere sight of the person I loved most being stabbed broke me. All I could feel was rage.

It doesnt matter if you die. Save the one that made you feel as if the world really mattered, that you mattered. The person who hated everyone showed 𝘺𝘰𝘶 love. My vision went red as Thornhill turned her attention back to me. I still stared at Wednesday, her eyes saying 'I love you.'.

Its not her time to go yet.

Save her.

[Wednesdays POV] I looked at Atlas. I was saying goodbye. The pain in my body was throbbing. I just think death will take hold of me now. I am not scared of it, just scared of leaving 𝘩𝘦𝘳. Every breath I took trembled.

I weakly gripped the knifes handle. I still held Atlas's gaze, a single tear rolled down her cheek. Her teeth gritted and her fisted balled up as she turned to Thornhill. I could only watch as her eyes turned to literal fire.

Atlas's eyes glowed with a black fire, magic encasing her hands. "You're not getting away with this." Atlas said. Thornhill laughed. "Finally, a good match. But I dont think you're any good when blinded with rage."

That was it for Atlas. At the speed of light, Atlas teleported in front of Thornhill. She punched her square in the stomach, knocking out Thornhills breath.

Atlas was punched in the jaw, put she didnt show any reaction. Her eyes will still enflamed. Atlas choked the witch. She squirmed as she was lifted into the air, Atlas showing not the least bit of remorse.

When Atlas let go, she summoned a knife. She yelled with each stab to Thornhills stomach, the blood splattered onto the grass. I propped myself against the tree in a way that my body would hurt less as I breathed. I put pressure around the knife, hoping to hold myself over long enough.

Thornhill put her hand on my girlfriends chest, and shot her. Atlas went flying into a nearby tree. She got up like it was nothing. The witch quickly healed herself, the blood staining her clothes.

Altos watched above from a tall tree. His eyes were in flames, same as Atlas. He watched, waiting for a signal. Atlas walked back up, a small hole in her shirt where she had been shot with magic. 

"Do you see it now? You're weak. You cant even save a loved one." She said as she pointed to me.  "You'll 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 be good enough."

Atlas looked at me again, the flames from her eyes extinguished. "I love.. you" I managed to get out, my voice trembling horribly with each word that escaped. That set Atlas off.

Her eyes glowed again with the fire that once was there. Suddenly, she collapsed onto the ground. Her body lifeless. "Atlas..." I mumbled.

"Well why dont you look at that? Your turn." Thornhill said, turning to me now. But before she could take one step, Atlas started to float into the air.

I watched in awe as she started to speak a foreign tongue. The words flowed from her mouth. Altos came to, flying above my girlfriend. Thornhill backed up slowly, not knowing what was happening.

Altos flew down, landing 10 feet infront of Atlas. His wings were spread wide, the flames that covered his eyes danced wildly. My girlfriend's eyes shot open, the foreign tongue she spoke stopped. Beams of light were released from her eyes, lighting the night sky. She outreached her hand to Altos and said, "Spiritus nexu. Dracones ira."

Altos was engulfed in a huge cloud of dark magic. Thornhill watched in fear, backing up farther and trying to prepare herself for what was going to happen. I could hear the earsplitting sound of that owls shriek.

But that shriek, turned into a loud roar. Out of the huge cloud appeared a silhouette of a dragon, with Altos in the middle. He flew into that witch, the forest exploding in flames and the ground shaking. The debris flew round the battlefield. When Altos flew out of the smoke, he was restored to his normal being.

He made his victory cry heard, the screech echoed into the night sky. The witch was nowhere to be seen. The only thing left was her staff. Atlas fell from out of the sky, gently landing on her feet. She regained consciousness. She looked at her hands as if she didnt know who or what she was.

When Atlas looked up and saw me, she ran over. They gripped the knife. "This is gonna hurt like a bitch, you ready??" They asked. I nodded my head slowly, though I wasnt the least bit prepared. My girlfriend took my hand.

The pain shot through my entire body. Its like I had been impaled again, but this time with 1000 knives. I shouted with pain, the blood spewed from out the wound. I gripped Atlas's hand, trying to suppress any pain I could.

I tried to take deep breaths, but that made it hurt more. She put her hand to my wound and closed her eyes. I could feel my wound mending together. The pain stung my eyes and brung tears to them.

When she was done, she looked to my eyes with uncertainties that I could not make out. "Hey. Hey." She said, sadness building in her voice. I looked at her. "I love you so so much. Dont ever forget that. Being with you has changed my life in a way I could never explain. I love you, Wednesday Addams. Take care of Altos for me."

All I could do was look at her with confusion. She hugged me gently, trying not to touch my wound. I hugged her back. As tight as I could. "I love you too Atlas, but wh-." I said. But Atlas's body went limp before I could finish. "Atlas?" I shook her.

I felt her pulse. There was something there, but it was slow. Not this again. I cradled her in my arms, tears falling from my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2023 ⏰

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