Do you?

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[Atlas's POV] My god that was hot. I think I liked that. No I loved that. Should I say it now? Does she love me back? No, Ill have to wait. I have to remember that she just got out of a relationship that was incredibly her first official one. Ive gotta respect her, and wait until shes ready.

I relaxed and fell asleep, Wednesdays head in the crook of my neck, and her hands still wrapped around my back. This is the type of thing Ive longed of having. Somebody to hold like this. Somebody... To love.

Off to sleep I went.

[Wednesdays POV] I awoke. I remembered last night. I dont think that scene will ever leave my mind. I think I do love her. Maybe.

Anyways, Atlas still lies asleep. She was supposed to take me to the police car. I have to get to the bottom of this. I head over to the shed outside, grabbing anything that could be useful. Rope. Chain cutters. Hammer. More stuff.

I went back to our room to awaken Atlas. But when I opened the door, she was already ready. "Okay. Lets go." I said. She nodded to me. Altos chirped at us. "Teleport, or walk?" Atlas asked. "Since when the hell can you teleport!?" I questioned. "Well I can, but it takes a little while for me to be able to get to the right place." they explained.

"Oh. Well try it." I demanded. Atlas grabbed my hand. "Desideravit teleportation." she said, closing her eyes. A smokescreen off dark magic engulfed the two of us. When it cleared, we were in a great field of flowers. "Lemme try again. Desideravit teleportation!" Atlas said again.

The same thing happened and we ended up in a French restaurant. She sighed. "Desidervit teleportation." Atlas said again. We teleported again. Now this was the right place. Atlas didnt let go of my hand. She was leading me.

"Hmm. Let me try to remember..." She said. I see a police car in the distance. "Isnt that it, stupid?" I pointed to the car. "Oh. Yeah. Lets go then." Atlas announced. We were both silent from then on, listening for danger. We closed in on the car. The doors were all open. I looked inside. There was a badge. 'Sheriff Galpin.' it read. I looked into the backseat of the car.

The bars that held people were bent up. The seats were scratched up, the innards exposed. Atlas kept lookout. It didnt seem like anything was here. But where did they go? All I knew about this that Thornhill is revived. She isnt a living corpse like crackstone. The one other thing is that now she has inherited the magic from crackstones staff.

I re imagined the magic that weaved through her fingers. She would come back for me. Well, I did stomp her head in, so that makes sense. I got out of the car. "Ready to go?" Atlas asked. "Yes. Lets get out of here." I answered. Atlas offered her hand to me. I obeyed and put my hand in hers.

"Desideravit teleportation." Atlas said, forcing her eyes shut and balling her fist. We appeared in our room. "YES I DID IT FIRST TRY!!" Atlas exclaimed. She threw her fist in the air and danced around the room. Altos bobbed his head with her.

Hm. Altos. What an interesting bird. I went to go let him out of his cage. Atlas watched as I did. I opened the cage door. Altos cooed at me and nuzzled my hand. My head was immediately thrown back. Another vision. But why with Altos?

I looked up into the night sky. Altos released an ear piercing screech from above. His silhouette covered the moon. His wings spread. I awoke back into reality. That vision was so short...
I woke up on Atlas's bed. A concerned Atlas and Altos watched me. They tilted their heads in unison. "Are you okay? Is that what happens when you have your visions?" She asked. I nodded. "How long was I out?"

"About 50 minutes. What was it about?"

"Nothing. You dont need to know."

Atlas shrugged it off.

Wedlas (Wednesday x Atlas) Where stories live. Discover now