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[Atlas's POV] We started to tell everyone of the danger and evacuated them. The panicked looks and quick paces soon emptied the school. Altos and Wednesday stayed close. Soon enough, we heard the deafening sound of the Hyde's roars.

The furs transformed, focused on protecting who they love and cherish. The hydes were outnumbered 6 : 2. I think they got it. But I should help just in case. I ran over, the werewolves mauling the hydes together. The hydes had 3 wolves on each.

They tried to pull the wolves off, but there wasnt a use. Flesh teared, blood spattered. The trees and grass became covered in crimson red, and the werewolves had no intention of stopping. All everyone could do was watch. I gripped Wednesdays hand.

[Wednedays POV] There was a huge beam of a cyan light in the distance. Everyone was too focused on the hydes to notice. "Atlas." I poked her shoulder. She turned her head, catching sight of the light. "Holy shit. You dont think thats..." Atlas looked at me in concern.

The werewolves turned to the light, catching a scent and leaving the lifeless, ripped apart bodies behind. A figure appeared from out of the trees. She took long strides, her staff leaving an aura as she moved. Thornhill laughed maliciously. "I have come to finish what Crackstone couldnt. May Nevermore fall at the hands of me." she said, sending a beam into the school.

The part of the school the light made contact with exploded, the debris flying everywhere. The werewolves growled, charging at Thornhill. I ran with Wednesday to a small alley. "Stay here. Please." I said quickly. She nodded. I left Altos with her.

I ran back to where I could see Thornhill. She shot the wolves, but they kept charging at her. When she had enough, a huge dome of magic expanded and hit the werewolves, sending them tumbling in all directions.

"Hey!" I yelled, Thornhill turned her attention to me. I sent fire spells her way. She blocked then all with a flick of her wrist. A shield of light blocked the fire. Wait. She uses light... shadows are faster than the speed of light. Thats it!

"Umbra manus!" I shouted. Arms and hands made of shadows flew towards her. She tried to defend herself, but the shadows were too fast. They battered Thornhill, forcing her to take a step back.

"Its gonna take a lot more than that." Thornhill spat. She used telekinesis to pick me up, throwing me at the school's walls. I hit the wall. I needed him. Heres the moment of truth, the moment we become one.

"Altos!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. Thornhill looked at me in confusion. I heard a loud screech. Altos landed on my shoulder. My eyes burned with a deep fire, I could feel the pressure pumping through my veins. My heart felt strong, each heartbeat echoing throughout my body.

I threw Altos up in the air, his wings fully expanding. "Ferro pactionem!" I yelled, the ball of silver connecting to Altos. His feathers, beak, and talons turned to steel. I summoned a sword, holding it towards Thornhill. She smiled. "Is that all you've got? Im afraid that wont be enough."

My jaw clenched. She charged at me, her staff as her sword. Our weapons clashed, sending sparks everywhere like fireworks in the night sky. We held each other's strength, trying to overpower each other. Altos screech could be heard from miles away.

He flicked his wing, sending steel feathers into Thornhill's back. This only enraged her more as she ripped the feathers from her back. "You damn bitch!" she looked quite deeply into my eyes. I became uneasy.

"Now what is your biggest fear, Atlas King?" she asked, still battling me as our weapons screeched. I tried to hide it. I tried, I did. She took one more glance in my eyes and said, "Got it."

My heart dropped. Thornhill teleported back to her original spot. She closed her eyes, slowly raising her arms in front of her. Wednesday appeared in front of me.

Thornhill laughed. "I hate you Altas." Wednesday said. "What?" I replied. "I hate you. You know that. You will 𝑛𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 be enough. Not for me, not for anyone. Thats why your father left you. Thats why he abused you." she spat, poking at my chest.

Tears formed at the corners of my eyes. Like a dam, ready to break and sweep away a small town. "No. You're not real. Wednesday doesnt know those things." I wiped away my tears, the anger building up. She dares to use the person I love most against me?

I pushed the fake Wednesday, who fell to ashes as she hit the floor. Altos circled above, waiting for a command. Anger blinded me. I dragged my sword behind me, the sharp blade leaving an indent in the ground. "Guess thats not enough... hm~? Ill just let you watch her die." Thornhill laughed, her cold eyes focused on me.

I took another step forward. I tried another, but my own body wouldnt budge. Thornhill held me in place. All I could do was move my head. Wednesday suddenly appeared to my left. She looked at me with fear.

Rage pulsed through me, the fire in my body will never be stoked. I closed my eyes. I concentrated as hard as I could. 'Tenebris pluvia.' I thought, willing Altos the spell.

I watched him soar in the air, hoping the spell got through. He flew directly over Thornhill, and spread his wings. "Now which one of you should I kil-"

Sharp drops of rain pierced Thornhills skin. The rain of shadows came down, battering and cutting her. When it stopped, Thornhill set her furious eyes on me. The cuts on her face released blood, the crimson red drops flowing down her face like tears. She shot at Altos, missing him as be dodged in the air.

"Thats it. No mercy." Thornhill said in an aggressive tone.

She raised her staff, picking Wednesday up and choking her. She grasped at her neck, trying to find a way to breathe. The anger flared inside of me. I exploded out of my telekinetic prison, running at superhuman speeds toward Thornhill.

My sword was raised, ready to pierce anyone or anything that stood in its way. Thornhill turned her head, but she was too slow. I stabbed the sword into her neck. Blood spewed from the huge wound as I drew my sword back. Thornhill choked, gasping for air. This all happened so quickly. No remorse held me at all.

As she did this, she let go of Wednesday. I looked to Wednesday, who was gasping for air. Her neck was red. Suddenly, I heard laughing. I turned my attention back to that hag. "You didnt think that was all it took to defeat me, did you?" she smiled, but she seemed weaker than before. Thornhill was a lot more intimidating with huge hole in her neck...

She outreached her hand. I felt a huge pressure compress my chest. Before I knew it, I was thrown into a tree. I slumped down, the bark catching my clothes. I had to get back up. "Wednesday Addams. You somehow didn't die when Crackstone stabbed you right through the stomach. Care to explain..?"

"Go to hell." Wednesday hissed.

"Im sorry, but thats where you're going, you little devil." Thornhill chuckled. She choked Wednesday again. Thornhill watched in delight as Wednesday squirmed, like a helpless worm trapped in the beak of a robin.

I slowly got up, my body trembling horribly. Save her. It doesnt matter if you die, just save her.

Thornhill uncovered a knife. "You will suffer the same fate Crackstone had intended." she said as she stabbed the knife through Wednesday's stomach. She only made a face that showed excruciating pain all on its own. She didnt have air to scream, yell, shout.

Thornhill let her go, watching as she gripped the handle of the knife.

I shouted at the top of my very lungs. I expelled all of the anger, the rage, the hurt, everything that has been bottled up.

That was the last straw.

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