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[Atlas POV] I wake up to Wednesday pacing around the room. Altos flapped his wings, cooing at me as I sat up. "Whats wrong Wednesday?" I asked. She took out her phone and unlocked it. She turned it to me; it was a message. 'Wednesday. Meet me in the heart of the woods in 5 days if you desire to know who I am. If you find me, I will no longer stalk you.' it read.

I locked eyes with Wednesday. "Are you going to go? What if its a trap?" I said. "Its okay. I need to find out who this is. They cant hide forever." she answered. I stared at her with concern. "Dont look at me like that. I will be fine and so will you." she said, giving a kiss on my cheek.

"Im going to go into the city, why dont you train with Altos?" Wednesday told me. "Let me come wit-" she cut me off. "No, Ill be fine. Stay here."

I frowned. Wednesday gave me a quick kiss and left. Well, maybe it would be a good time to train in case there really is danger. I opened the floorboards from under my bed and retrieved my spell book. I blew on it, sending dust in all directions.

Altos landed beside me as I sat on the bed. I flipped to the blank pages. I always wondered what these were for. Why would a spell book have so many empty pages. Altos flew up, prying the book from my hand with his talons. "Altos, No!" I shouted. I tried to grab it from him, but he flew to his hammock high above.

I was about to float up there but I saw Altos open his mouth. Magic spewed from his beak and onto the pages. Altos flew with the book again, dropping it onto my bed. I walked over to it. What had he done?

Wait- words were written on the previously blank pages? How?  'Spirit powers: pages must be unlocked with your spirit animal.' the new pages were full of spells and drawings. A tiger. This was my grandfathers writing.

Altos pecked me, cooing while I flipped through the pages. "Do you... want me to try these on you?" I asked. Altos chirped. He beat my arm with his wings. I nodded and put my glove on. Altos landed on it. "Desideravit teleportation!" I announced. We teleported to some remote mountains, somewhere no one was ever likely to find us. I was getting so good at teleporting now!

I opened to book to the spirit pages. 'Your spirit animals can turn into iron staffs. To turn it back, slam the bottom of your staff into the ground and call its name. It can be broken, but the opponent needs to have great strength. If it is broken, your animals soul will enter your body, enstrengthing you. To get him/her back you must travel to the spirit cave, somewhere deep in the mountains of Laos. ' I read aloud. The spell was Spiritus Virgam, Spirit staff.

"Lets try turning you into a staff, Altos!" I exclaimed. I summoned magic into my finger tips. "Spiritus Virgam!" I said. The magic seeped into Altos. He shrunk greatly, turning into small iron owl sitting on a small platform. There was a button on his back. I pressed it and a staff shot out. I jumped as the staff hit my foot. "Ahhhowww..." I said shaking my foot.

"Okay... now to turn you back."

I slammed the bottom of the staff into the ground. The surrounding area turned into the color of my magic and it rose up from the ground. A black cloud of smoke appeared as I let go of the staff. Out shot Altos, screeching as he flew into the air. "OH MY GODDD! Thats so AWESOME!" I exclaimed. "Come on we gotta try more!" I said.

I read the book again. 'If your animal has wings, horns, claws, beaks, or teeth, you can turn them into steel. Sharpening their attacks. This will take a very very small portion of core energy. If you are to use more attacks that use core energy, be sure to train lots to expand your capacity. Remember, if you completely drain yourself, you can end up in a coma or even death can occur. '

I had about 4 of these kind strength spells worth of core energy. I really needed to train. Altos circled above. "Ferro pactionem!" I shouted, a silver ball shot from my hand and hit Altos. His wings, beak, and talons turned reflective. I picked up a stick. "Hit this!" I shouted to Altos. He flew, hitting the stick with his steel wings.

It fell to the ground, in two pieces. "WOo!" I shouted. Altos shrieked, I looked over to him. He flicked his wings in a quick but graceful motion. Feathers of steel struck the tree next to me. My jaw dropped. This was so cool.

"Another one Altos!" I said. Altos spread his wings wide. The silver dripped from his body. My eyes sparkled. 'Armor. This takes up a small portion of core energy. It encases your animal in a very strong armor. Do not worry about the weight. It does not slow or weigh them down at all. Your animal can release the armor at any time.' I read.

Altos screeched above me. "Spiritus Armis!" I shouted. I felt the magic release from my core. It hit Altos, encasing him in armor. His eyes glowed white, most likely enhancing his already incredible sight. He flew in place, waiting for me to hit him with something. "Fulmen fulmen!" I said. A lighting bolt shot from my hand. It struck Altos. But all it did was bounce of his armor.

I chuckled in amazement. I started to feel the effect of using my core energy. my legs now felt a bit weak and my head hurt. "Ah, lets go back home Altos. Thats all I can take for now." I said. Altos landed on my glove, and we teleported back to the dorm. I put Altos on his nest. I staggered over to my bed. I fell onto it, passing out from this exhausting experience.

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