Wake Up.

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[Wednesday's POV]


I call the ambulance, tears blinding my vision. Atlas is still not responsive. I frantically wait, pacing the room. I walk over to her bed. "Please Atlas. Wake up." I say as I gently shake her. I take her hand and put it onto my cheek. I hold it there for a while, closing my eyes.

I hear the sirens outside, red and blue lights flashing on the window. I run outside, directing them to my room. They move her to the ambulance. I get into the back with her. "What happened exactly ma'am? I see that shes drank quite a bit of alcohol, was that it?" the paramedic asks. I shook my head. "She took melatonin too, I dont know how much." I explained.

He nodded and checked Atlas for any response. When we arrived at the hospital they moved Atlas to a bed. "We're gonna have to do some bloodwork to check the dose of melatonin, is that okay?" the doc asks. I nodded my head and the doc grabs a needle that connected to a bag.

He stuck the needle into her forearm, the blood flowing through the small pipe. It dripped into the bag. When he was done, he turned to me and said, "Ill be back in about 20 minutes."

He and the nurse then left. I came up beside Atlas. Tears started to flow. I sat beside her, taking her hand. This was my fault, wasnt it? The corners of her eyes were red.

I cried. My tears flowed onto Atlas's hand. "Please wake up Atlas. I love you. Im sorry for being so harsh with this break. I want it to be over, ill do better from now on. I didnt want this to happen. Please."

I let out a short chuckle. "You can protect me whenever you want, just wake up." I stroked her hand. Her body still rose and fell with her breaths. The heart rate monitor beeped frequently, sort of annoying me.

The doctor knocked on the door. He came it with a clipboard. "So, Atlas had taken enough melatonin to put her to sleep for a long time. She wont be waking up today. She was on the brink of overdosing. She was supposed to be awake by now since we gave her fluids but, she seems to be in a small coma." He pointed to the paper, showing me the dose. She must be in a coma from training so hard...

"She also has drank a lot, so that'll add to the time she spends sleeping. She is stable, but we'll still keep an eye on her. Ill leave you two alone now." The doc said nodding his head.

I interlocked our fingers. "I love you Atlas." I said hopelessly. I sighed. "I promise I'll be better from now on." I whispered. I got into the bed with her. I rested my head on her chest and put her arm around me.

I fell asleep there. The nurses came in multiple times, but I didnt care. I still slept, hearing the door open and close.

As I woke up the next day, Atlas was still asleep. I got up from the bed and glanced at her. My phone rang. I knew who it was. 'Remember.' my stalker texted.

I had 6 hours until our meeting. I know this is dangerous, and now I have no one to protect me. I sighed. I got some snacks from the vending machine, making sure to get some of Atlas's favorites for when she wakes up.

I set them on the table beside the bed. I looked back at Atlas. "Oh Atlas. Why are you so hot even when you're sleeping." I covered my face with my hands. I opened a bag of chips and ate them, waiting for the darkest hour of the day.

I just have to know who it is.

An hour before the meeting, I went back to the dorm to get ready. I slipped my knife into my pant pocket. I heard a familiar tapping behind me. I turned around. There he was. "Thing! You're back. You've missed so, so much." I said.

I filled him in on everything. 'Oh. My. God.' Thing said. Altos screeched from above. He landed onto Thing, pinning him down. Altos eyed Thing, wondering if this was food or not. Thing tried to get out but failed.

"No Altos, thats not food." I said. Altos recalled back to his nest. 'Why did you bring a damn owl into here?' Thing asked. "Thats Atlas's." I explained. Thing followed me as I prepared to meet my stalker.

[Atlas's POV] I heard everything you said. I love you too. Ill be better too. I love that you got my favorite snacks. I know that you're meeting your stalker today. I have to get up, to protect you. But- I cant. Are you in trouble? Everything is dark.

I have to. Wake up. Wake up. Wake. Up.

[Wednesdays POV] Here we go. Thing rested on my shoulder. I waited at the designated spot. I spun around once or twice, looking for whoever may be here. I hear a twig snap behind me. I spun around, looking for someone.

"Hello, Wednesday." A much too dreadful voice sounded from behind the tree. A figure stepped out from behind the tree. It was too dark to see them still. He stepped into the moonlight.

Uh oh.

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