I can show you the world. 🎶

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I wake up alone. Atlas is gone. I look around, stretching. I suddenly hear keys in the door and I look towards there. Atlas opens the door, holding a bag. She walks over to me and sits down beside me.

"Breakfast, piccoletta?" Atlas asked, her smile making me feel warm. I took the food she gave me. It was in a container. Chocolate chip waffles with whipped cream and strawberries. She handed me a fork and I ate all of it. Atlas had a simple breakfast. Pancakes and bacon with a bit of eggs.

She took all of our trash and went to throw it away. She walked up to me again. "What do you want to do now?" She asked. I shrugged my shoulders. She reached her hand out to mine. I took it and she pulled me up off the bed.

We walked through the halls. I could tell Atlas was just going places, a journey that had no plan. I saw Enid at the end of the hallway. I walked closer to Atlas. She held me closer as well, going down the closest flight of stairs. We ran into Yoko.

"Hey Wednesday, can I talk to you- in private?" Yoko asked me. "Whatever you have to say, you have to say to me too." Atlas replied. Yoko just looked at Atlas. Yoko nodded her head. "Look, I know what happened between you and Enid. I know Enid is in the wrong here. What she did to you was messed up. Just know you have my support, kay?" Yoko explained. I nodded my head. She smiled at me and walked past.

Atlas and I just looked at each other. "Hey... I have a good idea!" She exclaimed. She called a taxi and we went into the city. She took me to a bowling alley. "Uh Atlas? I dont think this i-." she cut me off. "C'mon! It'll be fun."

She payed for everything. I mean everything. I just noticed that I dont really know much about Atlas. Ill have to figure this all out. I put on my black bowling shoes that Atlas got. She threw the ball. It landed on the right side of the lane, but it curved? It swerved to the middle, knocking over all the pins. Atlas turned to me, shocked. "Yes!" she exclaimed. "Your turn, piccoletta 😏"

I shoved her before getting my ball. I threw it and it landed into the gutter. Great. As it reached the middle section of the lane, I saw Atlas flick her wrist. A puff of dark magic lifted the ball up. It swerved to the middle and knocked all the pins down. "WOOO!" Atlas shouted 😝. "High five!"

She reached her hand slightly up. I slapped it and she smiled. We continued to play, Atlas saving my ball every time. My end score was 300 points since Atlas made me get a strike every time. I guess... I guess I had 'fun'.

After this, Atlas took me into the arcade. We tag teamed a group of kids in laser tag. "PEW PEW PEW!🔫😈" Atlas shouted as she shot her laser gun at the little kids. This pulled a laugh out of me, which made Atlas more energetic. I knocked them down one by one. They didnt seem to move much-

When one of the kids actually hit Atlas, she dramatically fell to the ground. I rolled my eyes. I got all of the kids out of the game and won a big prize. Atlas was still laying there. I scoffed and went to her side. "Oh no 🙄. We must perform CPR." I said. Instead of doing the normal CPR steps I softly slapped her face. "Ow 😕" Atlas said.

She got up, using my leg as support. "So, whats the prize?" She asked. I walked to where I had set my stuff down. I held a huge white tiger to her face. Atlas hugged it. I also had won some sunglasses. I handed them to her and she put a pair on me and then herself.

Atlas called a taxi. We got a ride back to the school. Sunglasses on and white tiger in hand. Enid caught sight of us and scowled. We ignored her as we reached our room. We put the white tiger on my bed and the sunglasses on Atlas's shelf.

"Hey, uh, im gonna work on my novel." I announced. Atlas nodded and grabbed her guitar. Her room was the only other that had a balcony as well. She walked out. I started to type. Atlas played her guitar, gently humming along to whatever she played.

This isnt so bad. I wanted to hear it more clearly though. I took my typewriter with me to the balcony. I listened to her play and hum. She stepped onto the balcony, getting on top of the stone railing. "Atlas. What are you doing." I said in a serious tone. I slowly got up, taking slow steps towards her. Atlas stared at me and started laughing. She jumped off.

I ran to the ledge. "Atlas!!" I looked down. I saw Atlas floating back up, her magic carrying her. "Atlas are you stupid? Dont scare me like that!" I tried to throw a piece of crumpled paper at her. It missed and fell below. "Aww. You care about me 🥺"  she teased.

"Shut up." I said. "Do you trust me, piccoletta?" Atlas asked. She held her hand out towards me. I said nothing. She expanded her mat of magic, making room for me. I grabbed her hand and she pulled me forwards. I landed on her mat of magic. I stumbled and screamed. This felt weird.

"Weird, huh? You'll get used to it. I wont let you fall." She promised. We soared off, flying past the forest and lakes. "I can show you the world 🤩😋
Shining, shimmering, splendid 😏✨
Tell me, princess, now when did you last let your heart decide?😕💔" She sung. I laughed softly. "Just kidding." She said through her laughs. We came up on the balcony again. She helped me down from this magic mat.

I walked up to her. "What a splendid magic carpet ride." I said with a smile, wrapping my arms around Atlas's neck. I stood on my tippy toes as we kissed. Atlas held my waist. We shared another kiss as Atlas grabbed my hand. She kissed it, sending a shiver up my body. Atlas gave me her warming smile. We hugged.

What an enchanting magic carpet ride.


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