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[Atlas's POV] Wednesday and I went to sleep that night, in different beds. In silence that was quieter than the dead of night. But I do whatever makes her happy. If this is what she wants and needs, so be it. Even if she ends up leaving me, If it would benefit her then I would have no problems.

You cant make someone love you. If they choose to leave then thats that. I would go to great lengths any day for her. The only question is, would she do that for me too?

Its been a few days. In two days is the day Wednesday is going to meet her supposed stalker. I need to protect her. If anything bad happened to her, I would never forgive myself even in a million years.

Over these days, we are still on break. It kind of hurts to have her leave at first light every morning, not willing to say a word to me. She wont even look at me. Maybe I wont be enough for her. I wonder if I am for anyone. I will admit I just laid down on the floor and cried. I did. The ceiling will always be my number 1 best friend. The moon as well.

I talk to them. About my problems, whats bothering me, etc. Ive been losing sleep. Honestly I think its 100% voluntary- Ive been going on very late night walks. On different places around the world of course. Im talking... 12-2 am? I know it sounds bad.

Its not that bad, you know? Wednesday doesnt care anyway. She even took her ring that we got together off. Anyways, something else I have done over the past few days was train my heart out. Ive passed out about... what. 19 times over these few days?

But its all okay. Im doing this so I can be ready for whatever faces me. So I can be ready to protect Wednesday. I feel my body ache harshly. But I have also expanded my spell vocabulary and my core energy. Altos has been real close to me. I know he's concerned, but I got this.

Fuck. Everything hurts... Mentally, physically, emotionally. Tears flow into my eyes. Whatever. I wipe them away, sniffling. I said I was done with this. I said I got over it. I just have to... Its the only option.


Ive been 2 years sober now. All that will go down the drain if I do this now... Its the only option. It will ease me. Everything will be fine. Right?

I teleport to the liquor store. Am I really doing this? After all my progress? Whatever. I buy some liquor, my old favorites. I show the clerk my id. "Nevermore University, sir?" she asked. I nodded. "Heart break or something? You should be focusing on school, man." she added. I shrugged.

I payed, took my stuff, and teleported to a cliff off the coast of Cali. The moon made the water below glisten with delight. I popped open the liquor. I paused as the bottle pressed to my lips. Tears streamed down the side if my face.

I screamed at the top of my lungs. To the moon, the sky, the ocean waves that ripped onto the rocks below. I plopped onto to ground. Taking a sip of that good liquor. Fuck man, ive spent two years getting away from this. All that is gone now.

The bitter taste lingered in my mouth after each sip. The tears slowed, at least. I wiped them away. Its done. I sat on the edge of the cliff. I watched as the ocean sent its waves toward the beach. The moon brightly watched, its rays shining onto me.

I felt tired. Very tired. More tired than I usually am. I teleported to a nearby target and bought some melatonin. I had also acquired some insomnia, yes I had. People stared at me, probably detecting the smell of liquor off me. They probably also saw my red eyes. Whatever. I dont care what they think. I grabbed the liquor I left behind the bush and went home. Stumbling around, I made it to my bed.

Ugh... the pain is gone on the plus side. I was just... a little bit tired. I set the liquor bottle on my nightstand. I ripped open the bottle of melatonin and stuck how ever many I did into mouth. No need for dumb doses. The bottle tipped over on my nightstand and spilled some of the contents. Ill... clean that up later. As I swallowed them, I plopped onto my bed.


[Wednesday's POV] I havent felt this free in a while! Everything is going well. Ive found out a bit more about Thornhill. I spend my days roaming around the town.

Ive been ignoring Atlas, I know. I dont need her right now. Shes fine. Shes been going out for really late walks, I hear her every night. Yesterday when I used the bathroom after I got back, the trash was full of tissues, but Atlas wasnt sick. I dont know what happened.

Today I had done a bit of shopping. I went to the library to read up on Thornhill and Crackstone.  I have to admit I do miss Atlas. A little bit. Okay, a lot. But I needed this break. Away from them.

Maybe Ive been a bit harsh on them. I should go and end this break. Its been long enough, I think? I went to go and buy Atlas's favorite candy, Hi-chews. They are pretty good I suppose. I went back to the school, eating a bit of Hi chew. I put my keys into the door and opened it.

"Atlas, Im back. I got your favorite." I announced. "Atlas?" I called as I slipped off my shoes. I hear Altos coo repeatedly from around the corner.

I come around and see Atlas on her bed, laying on their side. Altos was resting against her. She has been taking lots of naps recently. I walk over to the side of her bed. The blanket was resting on her waist.

"Tired, tired Atlas." I whispered as I set down the candy. I tried to shake her awake. No response. Altos pecked at my fingers. "Ow, stop that Altos." I said quietly. I kept shaking her. Was she messing around with me?

Altos shrieked loudly and bit me, but not with full force. "Ow! What the hell?" I said, scolding Altos. He landed on the nightstand. I turned my head. What was this stuff?

I turned the bottle around and read it. 'Bloodhound Red Rum' It said. Atlas... Drinks? It was about 3/4 finished. Now that I was aware, Atlas did reek of alcohol. Wait. There was something else. It had been spilled over. 'Melatonin.' It read. Shit. How much did you take, Atlas? Why do you need this? Whats wrong?

I turned her onto her back. I checked her wrists first, flipping them over. Nothing. A positive sign. I put my ear to her chest, listening for a heartbeat. It was there, but it was slower than it should be. Tears formed in the corners of my eyes. I shook her again, this time more violently. But there was no response.


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