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[Wednesday's POV] Atlas and I stood by the wall as the votes were cast. My arms were wrapped around her. Her hand rested on my back. I wouldn't ask for anything more. After we waited for about 8 minutes, Bianca spoke again. "Okay everyone! The two couples advancing are... Wednesday and Atlas, and Enid and Tenzin! The next and final round... Is a game of musical chairs! Y'all know how this works. No rules. Just dont hurt each other too badly. Let. The. Games. BEGIN!" Bianca shouted. Everybody cheered.

Three people from the crowd put down 3 chairs. I looked at Atlas. She gave me a nod and smiled maliciously, her fist balling up. I know she wanted to win. So did I. Enid and Tenzin nodded to each other as well. No need. We were going to beat them.

We walked around in a circle as the music started. All of us glared at each other, willing to do whatever it takes to win. Enid scowled at me. Oh, how menacing. I listened for the music to stop.

We walked in a circle for a few more seconds. Boom. The music stopped. I quickly sat in the chair, securing my spot. Enid and Atlas found one as well. Tenzin was out.

We got back up and walked in a circle once more. The music stopped again almost right away. Atlas was about to sit down when Enid pushed her and sat down. I sat in the other free chair. Atlas looked at me and nodded. The most desperate round.

The music started up again. Enid held eye contact with me. "Let me win and you wont get hurt." She said. I said nothing back. She scoffed and unsheathed her claws.

The music stopped. I grabbed the chair, putting it back down next to me so I could sit on it. Enid tackled me before I could, and the next thing I knew I was on the ground. Enid pinned me down. She raised her hand, about to slice my cheek. "Concursores." I heard Atlas say softly. A small streak of electricity hit Enid.

"Agh!" Enid held her arm where it had been hit. Tenzin realized that he could help Enid and tried to grab the chair. Before he could lay a finger on it, Atlas spoke "Scintilla.". A spark shot at Tenzin and lit his suit on fire. He panicked and patted it down. Atlas took the chair, setting it beside me. She helped me up.

Enid and Tenzin rushed at us. Atlas tackled Tenzin, sending them both to the floor. Atlas pinned him down. Enid ran at me. Her claws extended, ready to pierce me. My eyes widened as she got closer. I took the chair and put it between us. I pushed her back with it.

Enid reached her arms towards me and slit my hand. Blood started to seep down my arm. This fueled me with rage. I stomped on her foot. She winced in pain. I used all my strength, using the chair to push her far enough so that I had time to sit down.

I placed the chair down quickly and sat down as fast as I could. The crowd roared for me. Enid stood in front of me. She scoffed at me and went to go help Tenzin up. Atlas made her way over to me. "Good job, Piccoletta." she said softly to me. She gently took my arm and used her handkerchief to wipe the blood.

The audience was still riled up and cheering. "YEAHHHH! Wednesday and Atlas come up here for your prize!!!!" Bianca yelled over the crowd. While we were playing, a desk with a person was placed at the top of the stairs.

Atlas and I walked up the stairs. When we got to the top, the person at the desk was engraving something. Bianca handed us 200 dollars in cash. She walked over to the man at the desk. She came back to us and handed us each a ring. Mine had an A on it. Atlas.

Atlas looked at the ring and back up at me and smiled. She faced me. I lifted my hand up for her. "Wednesday Addams, will you be my girlfriend?" she said. I nodded my head. She slipped the ring onto my finger. Atlas took my hand and kissed the ring, smiling brightly with her rosy cheeks.

I took her hand. "Atlas King, will you be mine?" I asked. "Yes I will, Piccoletta." Atlas replied. I put the ring onto her finger. I smiled back at her, her loving eyes warming my cold soul. "Congrats, love birds." Bianca spoke. We both nodded to Bianca. The audience cheered for us, the applause filling my ears.

"Want to go back or stay here?" Atlas asked. I looked down at my bleeding hand. "Well what do you think, my new girlfriend?" I said sarcastically. "Well new girlfriend, I think we should go back and clean that up." Atlas answered. I smiled slightly. "I think so too, new girlfriend. Lets go." I said.

We walked back to our room, holding hands all the way. Altos chirped upon our arrival. She led me to the bathroom and sat me down on the stool. Atlas took some bandages and Neosporin out of the medicine cabinet. A paper towel made contact with my cut, cleaning the blood. She used a q tip to spread the Neosporin on.

She finally placed the bandaid on. Atlas looked into my eyes. "What? You want me to kiss your boo boo? 🥺" she teased. I rolled my eyes and pushed her head away. We got ready for bed together.

We hopped into bed, facing each other. I cupped her cheek, keeping eye contact with her. The pure love she had for me made me feel so safe. "Hey." she whispered. "Hm." I answered. "I love you." Atlas said.

"I love you too, Atlas." I answered. She kissed me deeply. I hugged her as our lips separated, leaving us smiling at each other.

We held each other as we drifted off to sleep, not thinking about what was to come next.

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