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[Wednesdays POV] "Tenzin..." I said under my breath. "Yup. Its me. Oh, how easy it was to 𝑓𝑜𝑜𝑙 all of you. Even Enid still doesn't detect any of my wrong doings. Shes good in bed, by the way. Shes all over me. It was all too easy to steal her from you." he said, that malicious grin making my fists ball up.

"I hope you die." I said, staring at him.

"Oh no, but Wednesday, 𝘺𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦
the one who's dying tonight." he said in a almost... joyful tone. How disturbing this is. I turned my head as another figure stepped from behind a tree.

"Hey Wednesday..."

My heart dropped.

It was Tyler. I took a step back. Tyler spoke, "Wednesday, we could have been something. But you just had to go and be all nosy, didnt you?" his eyes pleaded with me, but the vengeance was there all the same.

"Get her." Tyler ordered. Tenzin advanced towards me. I pulled out my knife, taking swipes at him. "Whats that little thing gonna do?" he laughed.

He grabbed the hand that held the knife, trying to force my hand open. I stomped on his foot, making him retort and take a step back. His pain quickly turned into anger as he came forward again. He used both hands to grab at my collar, throwing me to the floor. He then pinned me down using his knee.

I managed to get my arm free and stab him in the shoulder. Thing made his mark, jumping onto Tenzins face. When Tenzin managed to get Thing off, he threw him to the side. Thing left a good scratch. "mmm... that hurt." he tilted his head in pain.

The handle of the knife was now gripped by Tenzin. His eyes squeezed shut as he pulled it out. Tenzin let out a heavy exhale as the knife came out. Blood stained his shirt.

The knife was thrown to the side. "So we're doing this the hard way, huh?" he sighed, a smile gathering on his face. I could only stand there, paralyzed with fear. I watched as he wretched, his body contorting forwards.

Tenzin was a Hyde.

He transformed, his figure growing bigger with each second that passed. Tyler laughed in the background. What a shit show this was. I had to do something.

I ran.

I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, jumping over any obstacles that stood in my path. The dreadful, heavy steps, were behind me. It only pushed me to go faster.

The adrenaline pumped through my veins. I could feel my heartbeat throb into my head.

[Atlas's POV] I need to wake up.

A scene popped into my head. Wednesday. Running from a hyde. Was that Tyler? She ran fast, the trees passing by quickly. I need to help her. Shes in danger. I wont let her get hurt.

Tears formed at the corner of her eyes. "I love you, Atlas." she said under her breath, huffing as she pushed on.

Im trying. Im trying to wake up, for you.

Another scene played. A man sat by a tree. A huge tiger hopped from the tree, sitting beside him. Cherry blossoms rained down. "Grandpa..?" I called. The man stood up. "Atlas. You have to wake up, my dear. You can do this. Become one with Altos." he said, his voice booming loud and clear through the blank abyss.

"But grandpa, what if I cant? Im too weak..." I said, looking at my hands. "Oh, you are nowhere near weak, my grand daughter." his tiger watched me eagerly, her huge paws crossed over one another.

"Now, go save the one you love. She needs you. I think you know that. Until next time, Atlas." He spoke. The scene started to blur. "Grandpa wait! How do I do this on my own!? I 𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘵!" I yelled, hoping to get an answer back.

"Awaken." His voice grew less abundant as the scene blurred away. The last thing I heard was his tiger roar. I jumped awake. I quickly sat up, ripping the equipment that was attached to me off. I jumped out of bed and threw my clothes on. I couldn't teleport. I couldn't concentrate.

I ran through the halls, doctors and nurses shouting as I sped past them. I burst out of the hospital doors, flying through the city. I have never ran this fast in my entire life. People stared as I flew past them. I remember that the stalker wanted to meet her in the forest.

I got there quickly. But where now...? My heart palpitated. "Atlas..." Wednesday's voiced echoed in my ear. My eyes widened. Somehow I knew where she was. I pushed through the forest, following my minds direction. The night was dark, the moonlight barely breaking through the trees.

I hear something. I looked to my side. I perked up. "WEDNESDAY!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. Her head turned. "Atlas!" She ran over to me. I was guessing the hyde wasn't very far behind her. She hugged me tightly. "Im sorry. Im so sorry." she rambled. "Its okay. I heard everything, piccoletta."

We huffed together. Heavy footsteps sounded. Its my time. What all this training has led up to. The hyde charged at us, roaring. I waited for it to get closer. "Atlas. Dont just stand there!" Wednesday shouted.

I gripped her arm. The hyde got close. "Scutum!" I shouted. A shield of magic enclosed us. We could see from the inside, but no one could see us on the outside. The hyde pounded on the shield with its heavy arms, roaring in anger as it couldn't get to us. For now.

I summoned a sword with my magic. I opened a small hole in the shield, big enough to fit the sword through. I stabbed the hyde through his chest. It howled in pain, staggering backwards. It roared once again. We were still safe inside the shield. Wednesday still gripping onto me.

She looked into my eyes. "Atlas. You have to take us to the school. Thornhill has come to finish what crackstone started." she said urgently. "I- I cant. I can't concentrate. And im OBVIOUSLY not calm right now!" I rambled, my breathing started to get faster now.

"Hey. Look at me." Wednesday said softly. I looked deep into her eyes. She cupped my cheek before kissing me. Suddenly, everything fell away. The loud noise of the Hyde banging on the shield. All I could hear was silence. All I could feel was Wednesday. She was here. She was with me.

She pulled me closer, wrapping her arms around my neck. My body relaxed. I took a deep breath, and opened my eyes slowly. The smoke fell away, and there we were. In our dorm.

"Good job Atlas. I love you. But now we have to evacuate everybody." Wednesday blurted. I nodded. She grabbed my hand, leading me out the door to warn the others. "Wait!" I shouted. I looked to Altos's nest. He was there, holding his glove in his beak. His eyes sharp but eager. I smiled. I walked over to him, put the glove on, and carried him with.

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