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[Atlas's POV] I wake up, the room glazed with sunlight. Wednesday is still asleep. I sit up on my bed, rubbing my eyes and stretching. Ugh. My upper back is sore. I brush my teeth. My hair somehow stayed perfect overnight. I punched my fist into the air.

I come out of the bathroom and Wednesday is still sleeping. I might aswell go somewhere. She needs her rest, and plus she can text me. Her ankle might take a few weeks to heal. Talking about healing, lets try that spell out. I take my spell book out from under my bed under the floorboards. My grandpa gave me this before he died. I cant lose this. To anybody.

I go outside to look for anything injured. There are many, many spells for healing. One for injuries, broken bones, skin, plants even. So many. But this time I have to find an animal. A frog, a rat, a rabbit. Anything. I walk around inside of the forest. Wait. What is that? Is that... A police car? How did it make it out to here?

I look around, making sure im aware of my surroundings. I hear the wind, but nothing else. I slowly, and I mean slowly, get to the car. Every single door is open. Huge claw marks had scratched the seats, exposing the stuff inside. There was no one here. Wait. Theres a badge. 'Sherif Galpin.' it read. Like Tyler Galpin? No way. Ive gotta get out of here.

I dont run, but walk slowly. Listening. Watching. For anything the 𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒕 bit sketchy. I made it to the school. Phew. Hold up, theres a young bird. Its hopping around weirdly. I catch it. Blood drips down my hand. This thing is gonna die if I dont try to heal it.

I summoned my magic and concentrated. The magic ran through my veins. "Laesus sanitatem." I said softly. The magic seeped from my fingers and through the birds body. The blood stopped. But the wing was still broken. I was missing something. Maybe I didn't concentrate enough. I frowned. "I guess ill take you with me little owl. You're a pretty bird, aren't you?" I stroked its head. It bobbed its head in protest.

I laughed. I put it in my shirt, its head poking out. I warmed it. I guess I was going to have to try to teleport us to the pet store to buy some things for... Lets see. I dont know if its a girl or a boy. I looked down at it. I took it out of my shirt and held it in my hands. What the...? This bird was all white. But now it had my dark eyes and the feathers that attached to the wing for it to fly were black. Its stomach feathers had also turned to the black shade of my hair. 

"Now thats fuckin' weird." I said. Smiling at.. hmm. Altos. Yes. Altos. Similar to my name, because it now looked similar to me. It looked me in the eyes. It tried to jump back into my shirt. I tucked it back and tried to teleport. "Desideravit teleportation!" I said. I had to think and concentrate hard on where I wanted to go. I pictured a pet store. But then I lost it and I pictured birds because of Altos.

I ended up teleporting to a bird sanctuary. "Woops, wrong place Altos. Again!" I said. Magic swirled by my feet. "Desideravit teleportation!"

I was finally able to teleport to a random pet store in Jericho. I looked around. I picked up a nice cage, food, treats, toys, a glove (for good measure), and a few differently textured perches. I payed for them at the desk. Altos cooed in my shirt. "Is that an owl?" the clerk asked. "Yes. Its name is Altos. I found it really hurt. Its wing is broken." I took Altos out of my shirt.

The clerk looked stunned. "What a beautiful bird! Ive never seen this kind of pattern before. It looks creepily similar to you. Oh! And it? You dont know what gender it is?" She asked excitedly. "Nope!" I said happily. She checked under Altos and examined it. "Hmmm... This is a.... Boy!" She exclaimed. "Cool! Thank you!" I replied. I got Altos back and tucked him back into my shirt. He snuggled himself into me, getting comfortable. I took all my stuff with me.

I teleported back to the school after accidentally teleporting to the Sahara dessert, the polar ice cap, and the Eiffel tower. "Ugh, what a ride huh Altos?" I panted. Altos cooed back to me. I got into the dorm. Wednesday was sitting at her desk working on her novel.

"Where have you been." She demanded. "Well I uh. I found this old abandoned police car that belonged to the Galpins, I found an injured owl who I tried to heal but his wing is still broken so I have him here, whats weirder is that it changed feather and eye colors and now its creepily looks like me so I named him Altos. Then I went to the pet stor-." She cut me off. "Did you say old abandoned police car that belonged to the 𝑮𝒂𝒍𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒔?" she asked uneasily.

"Yeah, Why? does it have something to do with Tyler Galpin? The one that Enid hurt, and he got taken away?"
I asked. "Nevermind. Dont worry about it." she said. I shrugged it off. I placed little Altos on my bed. He hopped around on my bed. I set up his cage and stuff. Wednesday hobbled over to my bed to check Altos out.

Altos looked at Wednesday and backed away, scared. Wednesday reached her hand out to pet him. As soon as Altos felt her touch, he cooed lovingly and rubbed against her hand. "Pretty bird." she said to him. "Well he likes you, doesn't he?" I chuckled. "You're right. He does look creepily similar to you." she said flatly. I chuckled and finished setting up his cage.

I went into the bathroom to get some bandages for Altos. I set his wing up and put on a small splint with a little piece of wood. He wasn't very big now. Altos shrieked as I moved his wing to bandage it. I finished it. "Aww im so sorry pretty bird!" I said to him. I gave him a treat. A nice baby mouse to chow down on. He ripped it apart, eating it in chunks.

Wednesday watched as she smiled. "I like him." she said. I smiled aswell. After Altos had finished eating I drilled some perches into the wall and put some news paper on the dresser. He wouldnt try to poop on here but whatever. I made a little nest for him and set it on my shelf. Woof, what a day this was already becoming. I picked Altos up and put him onto the nest. He cooed as he made himself comfortable.

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