Chapter 4

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"So how much longer 'til we reach Deloam, Colton?" Buddy asked, having just woken up from a nap.

The four caravaners had been travelling for about four hours already.

"About a couple hours or so. You wanna take over the reins for me, sleepyhead?" Colton chuckled.

"Sure, Boss!" Buddy hopped over onto the wagon seat next to Colton.

"What did I tell you about calling me 'Boss'?" Colton scolded.

"Sorry, Colton. You gonna try to get some shut eye?" Buddy asked.

"Yeah. Thanks, Buddy. Keep a close look out now," Colton instructed as he hopped over into the wagon bed and settled down for a nap of his own.

Curt and Paul were sound asleep themselves, and it looked mighty inviting.

"Colton, wake up! Curt! Paul! Come on, fellas!"

Colton started, having only just drifted off to sleep when Buddy suddenly yelled.

"What is it, Buddy?" Colton asked as Curt and Paul shook off their own sleepy looks.

"A caravan off in the distance there!" Buddy said, pointing on down the road.

The other three men peered over Buddy's shoulder.

"The wagon is overturned!" Paul observed.

Sure enough, as Buddy drove the wagon nearer to the caravan he had spotted, they all saw that the caravan appeared to be more of a disaster zone than a crystal caravan. Supplies were scattered everywhere — broken crates, food, weapons.

"Look! There...a broken orb!" Curt gasped.

"Buddy, stop the wagon. To arms, men!" Colton commanded.

The four companions grabbed swords, and Buddy grabbed their crystal orb. They cautiously approached the wreck of the caravan. Colton was about to make his way around the overturned wagon when he heard a soft moan.

"Help...please..." came a weak call.

As Colton turned the corner of the wagon, his eyes widened. There before him lay a terrible scene. Some distance away from the wagon, he saw two men's bodies, torn and bloodied. Next to the wagon there sat a woman who was badly wounded. She had obviously been the one calling for help. Colton rushed to her side as his three companions set up a perimeter around the site.

"Rest easy, my dear, you are safe now," Colton whispered to the woman as he put his hand on her shoulder.

"Monsters...ahriman...attacked..." The woman coughed up a bit of blood after that last word.

" need to speak now," Colton soothed before turning to Curt. "Curt, please help me carry this woman to our wagon."

As Curt carried the woman to their wagon, Colton instructed Buddy and Paul to gather any supplies that were still of any use. In a few minutes, everyone was in the wagon. Colton got back on the reins, and he urged the nu onward. Paul tended to the woman in the wagon bed while Buddy sat near them keeping an eye out behind the wagon. Curt sat next to Colton, scanning the area ahead.

"She said that ahriman attacked their caravan," Colton whispered to Curt.

"Ahriman...those flying creatures with one eye?" Curt quietly questioned.

"Yes. What could they have wanted with the caravan I wonder?" Colton pondered.

Cry of the Lost: A Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles TaleWhere stories live. Discover now