Chapter 20

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"It's probably the only chance we'll have," Autumn stated.

"I dunno. I think it's too risky. Hamilton is bound to have guards all around," Paul returned.

"Autumn is right, Paul. The masquerade ball is our only chance to save Mark. We'll go ahead with the plan just like I said," Curt said.

Suddenly, the three friends heard a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" Curt asked.

"The inn receptionist, sir. I have a delivery for the lady. She wasn't in her room, so I thought I'd check in with you," came a reply.

Curt walked over and opened the door. A young girl stood holding a bouquet of red roses and a card. The girl looked over Curt's shoulder and saw Autumn standing behind him.

"Ah, there you are, miss. These were just delivered for you not but ten minutes ago," the girl shared.

Autumn walked past Curt and took the flowers and card from the girl.

"Thank you," Autumn said.

"You are most welcome, miss," the receptionist replied before turning and leaving.

"Now who do you suppose those might be from?" Curt teased.

"Chase," Autumn answered as she read the card. "He has given us a discount card for a clothing shop in case we needed something to wear for the ball."

"Well, I suppose that will certainly come in handy," Paul noted.

"What do you say, Curt? Shall we go shopping?" Autumn asked with a smile.

"Sounds like fun, but Paul and I have to prepare for tonight. You go on ahead and pick something out for me," Curt replied.

"Ok, but you'll have to wear whatever I buy!" Autumn warned with a chuckle.

"I trust you," Curt said.

"Alright, fellas, I'm off!" Autumn exclaimed as she pranced out of the room.

"See ya later," Paul called after her.

A few moments later, Curt and Paul left the inn and made their way to gather supplies and a few items they needed for the evening's rescue mission. A couple hours later, the two companions were making their way back to the inn with their newly purchased goods. They were only about five minutes away from the inn when Curt heard someone call his name. Curt turned and looked around to find a moogle jogging toward him. Curt quickly recognized the moogle to be Stiltzkin, the kind moogle who had shown him around Deloam.

"Why hello, Stiltz!" Curt called out.

"Hello, Curt!" Stiltzkin replied as he came to stop. "I have a letter for you! Here..."

Stiltzkin pulled a letter out of his mail bag and handed it to Curt.

"Well, I gotta run along, fellas. No more mail deliveries for me for a while. I'm on a journey to see the world!" Stiltzkin shared enthusiastically.

"Thanks, Stiltz. It was great to see you again. Maybe we'll run into each other in the future," Curt said.

"Who knows? Maybe we will! Goodbye!" Stiltzkin exclaimed as he skittered off down the street.

Curt opened the letter and read it: "Hello there, son! How are things going? Colton is doing well. He filled me in on the events in Deloam. I'm sorry to hear about Buddy, but I am glad to know that you and Paul are safe. Tell Paul that his mother says hello. Colton tells me that a woman is traveling with you. He also asked me to ask if you ever found the man in black. Well, Curt, take care and hurry back. Be careful...the world is ever changing. Love, Cid."

"Ah, Uncle Cid. I really haven't thought much about it until now, but I guess I miss Brighton a bit," Curt said as he handed the letter to Paul so he could read it.

When Curt and Paul finally made it back to their room at the inn, they found Autumn waiting for them.

"Hey, guys! Were you able to get everything you needed?" Autumn asked.

"Yup," Paul replied.

"How about you?" Curt asked.

"Yes...wait until you see what I bought. You're gonna love it!" Autumn said with a soft chuckle.

As Curt and Paul neatly organized the items they had purchased, Autumn walked to her room for a moment and then returned holding a beautiful aquamarine dress in one hand and a matching blue suit in the other. Curt and Paul turned to look, and Paul began to snicker.

"Well, what do you think?" Autumn asked.

"Autumn!" Curt exclaimed. "What is that? You don't actually expect me to wear that do you?"

"Well of course I do. We have less than an hour to prepare. Now hurry up and get ready," Autumn demanded as she hung up Curt's new suit in the closet.

"Man, this is gonna be wild!" Curt said as he shook his head shamefully.

"All I know is that you are going to look wild!" Paul joked.

"Shut up!" Curt said as he elbowed Paul in the side.

"See you in a few," Autumn said with a laugh.

Autumn returned to her room to prepare for the ball. Curt also began to prepare while Paul took the supplies down to the wagon.

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