Chapter 6

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It did not take long for Curt to reach the inn. As he entered the establishment, Curt looked up and read the sign above the door: "Inn and Out". Curt chuckled. Once inside, he walked over to the front desk where an older gentleman was bustling about with his back to the door.

"Excuse me, sir," Curt said.

The man turned and said, "Good afternoon, young sir! How may I help you?"

"Have my friends checked in yet? Colton should be the name," Curt proffered.

"Colton...hmm...let me see here..." the man said as he shuffled through some papers. "No, I haven't received any Coltons yet. I'm sorry."

Curt thought for a moment and then said, "Thank you, sir. If my companions arrive, please let them know I'll be back later. My name is Curt."

"I will certainly do so, sir," the man replied courteously with a slight bow.

Curt left the inn and looked around. Across the street was a small pub. "Why not?" he thought to himself. He sauntered over, took a quick glance at the menu posted on the wall, and then entered. Curt quickly noticed that the place was empty. Well not quite - in one corner there sat a man mulling over a plate of food. No one was present to greet or seat Curt, so he walked over to a booth and sat down. A few seconds later, a young woman came out from the back of the pub. She looked at Curt, uttered a slightly shocked "Oh!", and then smiled. As she came around the counter, Curt was stricken by her simple beauty - shoulder length hair that was dark as night, dark piercing eyes, rosy cheeks, a smile that shamed the purest pearls. The woman's voice woke Curt from his trance.

"Good afternoon, sir! What can I get you? Are you waiting for anyone else?" the woman asked.

Curt mused to himself, "Damn...could her voice be any sweeter?" Then he said, "Well, I'm waiting for my three companions to arrive at the inn across the street."

"Oh, you're staying at the inn? Are you all crystal caravaners by any chance?" the woman inquired.

"Yup! We just arrived from Brighton not too long ago," Curt proudly replied.

Suddenly, the woman sat down across from Curt and said, "Wow! A caravaner...what's it like?"

Curt was a bit surprised that the woman had sat down, but he quickly decided to just run with it. After all, one was not presented with this kind of opportunity every day.

"Well, our first day's journey isn't even over and already it's been a crazy adventure!" Curt's face became serious as he continued. "We found a caravan that had been attacked by monsters, and only one woman had survived. We took her to the clinic."

"Monsters? Wow! That is an adventure. I'm craving adventure, you know? I mean, I just wish I could do something be a part of a crystal caravan," the woman said with great animation and enthusiasm.

"Well, why don't you?" Curt asked.

"Why don't I what?" the woman returned.

"Join a crystal caravan..." Curt clarified.

"I'm not 21 yet..." the woman said with a frown.

That frown threw Curt back into a trance, but only for a second...there was something he wanted to know.

"I'm Curt...what's your name?" Curt asked.

"Autumn...nice to meet you, Curt!" the woman replied.

Autumn was glowing...or maybe it was only Curt's imagination. She stood up and pulled out a small pad of paper from her apron pouch.

"So what can I get you?" Autumn inquired.

"What do you recommend?" Curt replied.

Autumn proceeded to share a few suggestions. Curt chose the special of the day: crab sushi. It did not take long for Curt to get his meal. He shared a few words and smiles with Autumn each time she came to the table to wait on him. A few more customers eventually trickled in, much to Curt's dismay. Curt finally finished eating, and Autumn brought him the check. Curt took out a small, worn pencil and scribbled something on the back of the check. He placed enough gil for the food and Autumn's tip onto the table and set the check face down atop the gil. Curt rose from the table and began walking out of the pub. As he reached the door, he caught Autumn's eye as she was waiting on another customer. Autumn smiled, and Curt smiled back and gave her a quick wave before finally leaving.

Cry of the Lost: A Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles TaleWhere stories live. Discover now