Chapter 43

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"Do you think it was wise to let your brother go," Curt asked Mark as they sat on Cid's porch watching the sunrise.

"I don't know. I think he's still got some good in him," Mark replied with a yawn.

"Well, I'm gonna go see how Cid and Ren are getting on," Curt said.

Curt patted Mark on the back and then trotted off toward the field where the Myrrhauder airship was docked.

It had been nearly a full day since Curt and the others had returned to Brighton. Ren had suggested that they stop in Brighton to make repairs to the ship. As Curt approached the ship, he could see his uncle, Ren, Jimmy, and the other crew members on scaffolding working on the hull where the myrrh cannon had scored its hit.

"How's it coming along?" Curt called.

"Hey! So far so good," Cid returned. "Come on up!"

Curt greeted the others as he made his way up the scaffolding to where Cid sat welding a segment of metal hull plating.

"Myrrh is simply amazing stuff!" Cid mused as he put down his torch. "To think...the very substance that saved us from the miasma could be used as a weapon to destroy. Look at that."

Cid pointed to an area of the hull that had not yet been repaired.

"Looks like the myrrh just seared through the armor and wood like a hot knife through butter...a fire of crazy intensity! What awesome power!" Cid observed. "I bet a direct hit with a concentrated blast coulda cut the ship clean in half!"

"Mark's brother said it was just a prototype," Curt noted.

"Lucky for you all," Cid quipped.

"You think something like that could be used to destroy the meteor?" Curt asked.

"It would have a pretty damn easy time of it I would think!" Cid answered.

"They used that weapon to destroy Melly's village, so you're probably right. But I think they have other plans for it besides destroying the meteor...if they've even found the damn thing," Curt said.

"I think you're probably right, Curt," Cid agreed.

"How much longer 'til she's ready?" Curt asked.

"Oh, one more day should do the trick," Cid replied. "What are you planning on doing?"

"We can't just sit by while villages are being destroyed, myrrh is being sold, and mysterious happenings are afoot...right?" Curt stated.

"I suppose...I'd probably do the same if I was you," Cid commented. "But what's the next step? They're probably out looking for you all right now."

"Sounds crazy, but I think we should pay a visit to Minister Olmos. I guess we'll head to Torenada," Curt said.

"Into the lion's den, huh? Well, you said it yourself...sounds crazy! But you are your own man now. Besides...I can tell you'd have it no other way. Adventure's gone and got the best of ya!" Cid said with a slight chuckle.

"You know me too well, Uncle," Curt said. "I know there's a good chance we'll get into some major trouble. Heck, we're already in major trouble...there's a good chance we may not come back at all. But power is going unchecked and innocent people are being hurt by it. What's to stop Richter from using that weapon on other villages?"

"A scary thought to be sure. I don't know Richter...who's to say what kind of man he is? I know Minister Olmos a bit. He seemed to me to be a good man. But power can corrupt even the purest heart. Be careful, Curt. Be a wise judge of character. Don't be quick to trust, but don't judge too quickly either. You have strong friends and allies. You've all stood fast this'll need to stand firmly together to see this thing through to the end. Even then...who's to know what will become of you all. I have faith though. Goodness still watches over this world. Unseen forces are at work all around us...some for good, some for menace...myrrh, miasma, monsters, Guardians like that dragon you all saw...who knows what else," Cid said.

"The Creator?" Curt suggested.

"The what?" Cid asked.

"The Creator...Mom and dad used to tell me there was a Creator who made everything once upon a time," Curt shared. "They told me that the Creator was watching us and caring for us...smiling when we smiled, crying when we cried. All that was good in the world came from the Creator...bad stuff came whenever we forgot about the Creator. By remembering the Creator, we could fight off the bad stuff. I've always kept that in my heart. I think mom and dad were right. And every time I look around and see all that's bad in this world, I remember the Creator and all that is good...helps me fight off the bad. Maybe that goodness you were talking about is the Creator? Kinda silly, huh?"

"No, keep remembering the Creator," Cid said as a tear fell from his eye.

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