Chapter 50

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"It was a year ago today. I was 21 at the time. I will always remember. That was the day I almost died...the day the world was almost destroyed. And it was the day I saw the Creator...the Ancient One...or Guardian Ancient as my friend, Melly, calls Him. Mom and dad were right...Melly's grandfather was right. He was watching and caring. He was protecting us, and He came when the world needed Him the most. He heard our cry. I know He's still watching and caring, and I will always remember Him...just as I will always remember the friends that journeyed with me.

"Today, I embark on another journey and all my friends will be there with me again. Paul and Sara...Melly and Fenrir...Mark and Shara...John...Captain Ren and Jimmy...Uncle Cid...Colton...Kal and Lavinia...Stiltzkin...Charlie. I carry the memory of some in my and dad...Buddy...Neil...Minister Olmos...the myrrh Guardians. And then there will even be some enemies who became friends...Chase...Richter or Mr. Cartwright rather (he is giving the bride away after all...funny that a man who wanted me dead is now to be my all fairness, he has turned out to be quite a swell fellow). And then of course there is my love...Autumn. I remember the day I saw her in the restaurant in Deloam. How I was taken by her beauty and spirit! She is truly a wonderful woman. I love her dearly and would do anything for her.

"What sort of journeys will come my way on down the road I wonder? Will my friends be a part of them? Will I ever see the Creator again? I can only say...I hope so! 'Til then, I lay my pen to rest with a thankful heart...the pages in this journal a testimony to what and who I will always remember!"

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