Chapter 35

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"You knew this whole time, John?" the woman standing next to Hamilton asked.

"It's Hamilton, Shara. And no, I didn't know the whole time. I only found out a few days ago when I ran into him in Sumira," Hamilton replied.

"The point is you knew, but you didn't tell me Mark was alive. Why?" Shara pressured.

"It's complicated, but we don't have time to share bedtime stories right now. I have to go after them. Is this going to become an issue? Do I have any reason to worry about your ability to carry out your duty?" Hamilton asked.

"Of course not, but just promise me you'll explain it all later," Shara answered.

"Ok, I promise. Now...I'm going to take three of the men with me. You think you'll be ok with just one guard and the scientist?" Hamilton asked.

"You can take all four of those blubbering idiots if you want," Shara replied sarcastically.

"Three idiots will do just fine," Hamilton replied with a chuckle. "Hopefully I won't be long."

Hamilton walked over to where the four soldiers stood chatting, and Shara turned to help the scientist tend to the myrrh gathering equipment. A few moments later, Hamilton and three soldiers all mounted chocobos and rode off in the direction that the airship had flown.

Cry of the Lost: A Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles TaleWhere stories live. Discover now