Chapter 12

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"The stars are so much brighter outside of the city," Autumn noted as she looked across the campfire and smiled at Curt.

"I remember once when Uncle Cid and I lived in Torenada, he took me to an observatory and let me look at the stars through the telescope." Curt smiled back at Autumn. "They all have names, you know?"

"Do you know all the names?" Autumn asked.

"No way. There's too many. But speaking of names, we gotta give our chocobo friend a name," Curt noted.

Curt looked over to his left where the chocobo was fast asleep snuggled next to Paul, who had drifted off himself and had begun to snore. Curt chuckled at the sight.

"Hey, Autumn, why don't you name him?" Curt offered.

"Me? Ok. Hmmm...let's about Charlie?" Autumn suggested.

"Charlie? Hmmm...Yeah, I think it fits him. Why'd you pick Charlie?" Curt inquired.

"I just think it's a cute name. Charlie Chocobo." Autumn giggled.

Curt smiled, and then the two friends sat quietly for a few moments. Eventually, Autumn pulled out a small piece of paper from her pocket and unfolded it. Curt recognized it as his check from the pub where he had met Autumn.

"You know, Curt, you were right." Autumn gently waved the check in the air and then read it aloud: "Every moment of life is a great adventure, and our meeting is no exception. Thank you!" Autumn looked up at Curt, smiled, and said, "Our meeting has definitely turned into a great adventure. Thank you, Curt."

"You're most welcome, Autumn. Although I think I should still be the one thanking you...after all, you did save my life," Curt returned.

"I guess we're even then," Autumn quipped.

"Sounds good. You'd better get some sleep. I'll wake Paul up in a bit for watch duty." Curt put another log on the fire.

"Alright. Good night." Autumn snuggled down into her bedding and pulled her blanket close around her.

"Good night, Autumn," Curt said as he looked up into the sky and wondered what tomorrow would bring.

Cry of the Lost: A Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles TaleWhere stories live. Discover now