Chapter 21

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The ballroom was already aflutter with dancing and high-society mingling when Curt and Autumn arrived. Although at first Curt had felt a bit awkward wearing the bright blue suit, he realized he did not have much to worry about since the ball was a masquerade. Being able to hide behind the chocobo mask that Autumn had bought for him made the embarrassment a bit easier to bear. No sooner had the couple entered the ballroom then a man walked over and greeted them with a bow.

"Good evening to you both. May I have this dance, my lady?" the man said.

Curt recognized the man's voice - it was Chase. Autumn curtseyed and took Chase's hand. Chase led Autumn out onto the dance floor, and they began to waltz. As they danced, Chase began to tell Autumn more about himself. Autumn learned that Chase worked for Hamilton as captain of the city guard. Finally, the dance ended, and Chase asked if he could introduce Autumn to Hamilton. Autumn agreed and then winked at Curt as Chase led her off the dance floor. Curt watched carefully and saw Chase stop near a tall man wearing an elaborate harlequin mask. Curt made note of the man's features. A few moments later, another man approached Hamilton, tapped him on the shoulder, and whispered into his ear. Hamilton politely bowed to Autumn and then motioned for Chase to follow him. Hamilton, Chase, and the other man left the ballroom, and Autumn returned to where Curt was standing.

"Were you watching?" Autumn asked as she sidled into place next to Curt.

"Yes. Let me guess...the man Chase introduced you to was Hamilton," Curt stated.

"Good guess, pal! He left the ballroom though. I hope he comes back," Autumn noted.

"Oh, I'm pretty sure he'll be back. A gig this big can't be missed," Curt replied. "So may I have this dance?"

Autumn smiled and nodded, and then she and Curt danced.

Meanwhile, outside in an alleyway not far from the small building where Mark was being held captive, Paul brought the nu to a halt and jumped down from the wagon. He walked to the back of the wagon and lifted out some rope with a grappling hook attached at the end. Paul looked over at Charlie, who was tied to the back of the wagon, and smiled.

"You behave now, Charlie. I'll be back soon," Paul said.

Paul walked down the alley and paused to look up and down the street that separated him from the small building. Fortunately, the street was not very well lit and no one was around. Paul walked over to the building and checked one last time to make sure he was alone. Then he tossed the grappling hook onto the roof and pulled on the rope until it was secure. Paul carefully climbed onto the roof and pulled the rope up after him.

Back in the ballroom, Curt and Autumn had just finished dancing for the third time. They walked off the dance floor and sat down for a rest. A few minutes later, Curt saw Hamilton return with Chase. Curt watched as Hamilton parted from Chase's company and walked over to the bar.

"Now is probably our best chance. Follow me," Curt whispered to Autumn.

Curt and Autumn approached the bar, and then Autumn split off and walked over to Hamilton's far side to divert his attention. Hamilton turned to Autumn, smiled, and was about to speak when he felt the pressure of a sharp point in his back.

"Shhh, Hamilton, we wouldn't want to sour up such a joyous occasion, now would we? I'm here for Mark. Take me to him, and you better have the keys for his shackles. And don't even think about drawing any attention," Curt quickly whispered into Hamilton's ear.

"What a way to treat your host. However, I admire your boldness, son. I have the keys. Follow me," Hamilton quietly replied.

Hamilton slowly made his way through the ballroom with Curt and Autumn right behind. Just before they all reached the ballroom exit, Chase caught sight of them and began to follow. However, he had only taken a few steps when a woman stopped him to chat. Hamilton led the way out of the ballroom, down a hallway, and through a door that led into the room where Curt had seen Mark and Hamilton speaking the previous night. As they all walked through the room, Curt briefly glanced up through the skylight and saw Paul peering down at him. The two friends exchanged a quick nod.

Hamilton silently continued on through the door on the other side of the room and down another short hallway. He finally stopped in front of a door and unlocked it.

"This is it," Hamilton said.

Curt wondered at the ease of the mission so far. Hamilton's manner had conveyed a slight sense of apathy that made Curt feel uneasy. Curt thought to himself that Hamilton was indeed a man of masks - not to be taken lightly and not to be trusted.

Hamilton opened the door, and they all entered. There at the far side of the small room, Mark sat chained to the wall. When Mark looked up and saw Curt standing next to Hamilton, his expression turned from sadness to surprise.

"Curt!" Mark exclaimed.

"The keys, Hamilton," Curt ordered.

Hamilton handed the keys to Autumn, and she quickly released Mark.

"Chain him up, Autumn," Curt said with a nod at Hamilton.

As Autumn and Mark chained Hamilton to the wall, Hamilton simply sat silently and glanced at Mark several times. After Hamilton's shackles were securely fastened, the three friends left the room. Mark turned back to Hamilton before closing the door.

"Goodbye, John. I'm sure we'll meet again someday," Mark said sadly.

Curt led the way back to the fancy room with the skylight. Upon entering, they found shattered glass on the floor and a rope dangling from the skylight opening.

"Paul, ready?" Curt called.

"Yes," came a reply from the roof.

"You first, Autumn," Curt said.

Autumn climbed up the rope, and Mark and Curt followed. Just as Curt reached the roof, Chase entered the room below. Chase quickly surveyed the room and then looked up through the skylight to see Curt, Paul, Mark, and Autumn all peering back at him.

"Autumn!" Chase gasped.

Paul quickly pulled the rope up, and the four reunited friends turned and ran. Paul led the way back to the wagon, and they drove off into the night.

Back in the building, Chase had run to Mark's cell and released Hamilton. He explained to Hamilton what he had seen, assuring him that he had nothing to do with the escapade.

"Shall I call out the guard?" Chase asked as they walked back to the fancy room.

"No, my friend. Listen...the sweet sounds of celebration call out to us. Come, we are wasting a beautiful night just gaping here like fools," Hamilton replied as he looked up at the broken skylight. "We'll deal with this in the morning...sadness averted after all."

Chase gave Hamilton a questioning look and then followed him back to the ballroom.

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