Chapter 16

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"It's about dang time!" Paul shouted.

Curt and his companions rode through the main gates of Sumira, thankful to be within safe city walls once again. Evening would be falling in a few hours, and the four caravaners did not feel like spending another night out under the stars. They rode through the city streets for a few minutes, stopping only to ask directions to the nearest inn. Eventually, they arrived at the inn.

"Well, here we are, friends," Curt said.

"Thank goodness. I can't wait to have a nice bath," Autumn sighed.

"Regrettably, this is where I say goodbye," Mark said as he offered his hand for Curt to shake.

"I'm sure we'll see each other again," Curt said hopefully as he shook Mark's hand. "Thanks again for everything."

"You're welcome, Curt. all take care now." Mark smiled, waved, and then turned and walked away down the street.

Autumn and Paul carried a few supplies into the inn while Curt drove the wagon to the stable. After seeing to the nu and Charlie, Curt made his way to the room that had been assigned to him and Paul.

After a couple of hours of rest and relaxation, Curt and Paul met Autumn down in the inn dining hall for dinner. They had only just received their food when Curt looked out the window and saw Mark walk quickly by. Curt smiled and was about to tell Autumn and Paul when he saw a suspicious looking fellow walk gingerly past the window in the same direction Mark had gone. Curt suddenly got a nervous feeling in his stomach, and he quickly put down his fork and wiped his mouth with his napkin.

"Autumn...Paul...excuse me for a moment. I'll be right back." Curt rose from the table and briskly made his way outside.

Autumn and Paul watched him leave and then looked at each other questioningly. Once outside, Curt looked down the street in the direction that Mark and the suspicious man had been walking. A fair distance away, Curt caught sight of the man. He could now clearly see that the man appeared to be cautiously following Mark. Curt hurried down the street, but he also took care not to draw attention to himself. Eventually, he got close enough to see Mark walking far ahead. Curt now slowed his pace and kept a safe distance behind the shady stalker.

After about ten minutes, Curt saw Mark turn down an alleyway. The stalker paused for a few moments and then continued walking to where Mark had turned. The man slowly peeked around the building that stood at the entrance to the alley. Curt watched as the man turned into the alley as well. Curt quietly made his way to the place where the stalker had stood just moments before and peeked around the corner to see a shadowy figure climb through a window into the next building over.

Curt quickly walked next to the window and listened for a second before looking inside. Not seeing anyone, he silently climbed through and found himself standing in what appeared to be some type of storage room. Crates and barrels of all sizes were stacked around the room. There were two doorways that led out of the room. Curt hesitated for a second and then chose the closest doorway, which was on his right. He crept to the doorway and scanned the next room before entering. Fortunately, the sun was still up and some sunlight was filtering through the heavy curtains that adorned all the windows. At the far end of the room, which appeared to be a large hall of some sort, Curt saw Mark crouched over some boxes.

Suddenly, Curt saw a dark figure step quietly through another doorway a bit further down the hall. He could see that the stalker now held a knife in his right hand. Curt waited until the man had moved a few paces into the room, and then he stepped into the room as well. The stalker was now only several yards away from Mark, and Curt could tell he was about to strike.

"Mark, behind you!" Curt yelled as he drew his own knife from its sheath.

Mark quickly turned, drew his sword, and disarmed the startled man. Curt ran forward to block the stalker's retreat, and Mark held the man at sword point.

"Well what do we have here? A cutthroat and a friend. I guess I need to do a better job of concealing my endeavors and watching my back," Mark joked. "Thanks, Curt. Now it appears we both are in debt to one another. So that leaves you, sir. Who might you be?"

"No one of any consequence," the stalker replied coldly.

"You'll have to do better than that, man, if you want to live," Mark threatened. "Are you one of the bandits that work for Hamilton?"

"You may have survived today, but you'll get what's coming to you. Anyone who crosses Hamilton gets his due," the stalker returned.

"I want to know where I can find Hamilton. Tell me that, and I'll forgive you your own dues," Mark offered.

"Everyone knows he attends the opera house performance every Saturday night, so I can tell you that. Go ahead and kill me 'cause I'm not saying anything more. I'll be as good as dead if I do anyway." The man closed his eyes and bowed his head.

"Go on and get out of here. If you know what's good for you, you'll never associate with Hamilton again," Mark said firmly as he slowly lowered his sword.

The stalker opened his eyes and looked suspiciously at Mark. He took several steps backward, and then turned and looked at Curt, who had lowered his knife and moved away from the doorway. The man then turned back to Mark, gave a quick nod, and then ran out of the room.

"So what is this all about? Did you find the info you were searching for?" Curt finally asked.

"Some, yes. I learned that the man hiring the bandits is named Hamilton. He runs the World Market Trade Company here in Sumira. Apparently, there are illegal activities going on under the table. I'm still not sure what though," Mark shared.

"So what's your plan now?" Curt questioned.

"Well, I'm going to pay Hamilton a visit on Saturday night." Mark smiled.

"Ok. In the meantime, I suggest we keep a low profile," Curt said.

"We?" Mark inquired.

"I figured I'd stick around for the show. Besides, we're pretty good at keeping each other alive," Curt quipped.

"I guess you're right," Mark replied with a chuckle.

Mark carefully replaced the contents of the crate he had been inspecting, and then he and Curt watchfully made their way back to the inn.

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