Chapter 7

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"Where do you suppose Curt is?" Buddy asked Colton.

"Who knows? Probably got lost somewhere in the city looking at all the sights," Colton responded.

"What's the plan for tomorrow?" Paul inquired.

The three friends were sitting in their room at the inn, having just finished a light dinner.

"Well, I think..." was all Colton got out when a knock came at the door.

"Hey, guys, it's Curt!" came a call from the other side of the door.

Buddy skipped over to the door and opened it with a cheerful, "Hey, Curt!"

"Hi, Buddy! Colton...Paul," Curt nodded to each in turn as he walked in and threw himself onto a chair.

"You enjoy the city scenery?" Paul asked.

"Oh yeah! It was great!" Curt exclaimed, and he proceeded to tell his friends about his excursion and his chance meeting with Autumn.

"Well, we'll all have a chance to explore Deloam in the morning, fellas," Colton promised after Curt had finished his tale. "For now, I think it's time we turned in."

The four companions washed up, said good night to one another, and retired for the night.

"To arms! To arms!"

Curt awoke with a start. Someone was screaming outside of the inn. Curt looked around and saw that the screaming had awoken his companions as well. A growing din could be heard outside now.

"We've only been asleep for about an hour," Paul grunted.

Curt jumped out of bed and hustled over to the window. Down below he could see people running in the streets. Off in the distance to the east, he could see a faint orange glow. Suddenly, a loud and rapid knock was heard at the door.

"Who is it?" Curt demanded as he approached the door.

"The night watch! We're asking all able and skilled men and women to assist in the city defense! Monsters have invaded!" came a desperate plea.

Curt heard heavy footsteps fading into the distance. Curt turned and looked at Colton.

"You heard the man! To arms!" Colton shouted.

Curt and the others dressed quickly, grabbed their weapons, and ran downstairs. The scene that met them upon their arrival at the inn's common room stopped them dead in their tracks. Already there were several wounded individuals being tended to by the inn staff. Curt quickly shook off his surprise and ran outside, his companions following behind.

The street was pure chaos. People were running everywhere. Several men were creating a barricade with a wagon, barrels, and other wooden items in order to protect the entrance of the inn. A man was standing to one side issuing orders to the others.

Curt approached the man and interrupted, "Sir, how can we help?"

"Son, we got lamia and ahriman attacking the city! We need archers on the rooftops and soldiers on the streets!" the man shouted.

"Curt, you and Buddy take up positions on the rooftops!" Colton ordered as he walked up to the barricade. "Paul and I will stay on the ground."

Curt and Buddy ran over to an area of the inn wall where a number of bows and quivers were stacked. They each took a bow and quiver of arrows and then re-entered the inn. A few minutes later, they emerged from a hatch on the roof of the inn.

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