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October 20th, 2046


Everyone was working really hard after breakfast, despite coming here yesterday, Grace Field, Goldy Pond, and Goodwill Ridge Kids all used their free time helping everyone else. It would be rude if we just stood there and did nothing.

Plus it was a great way to get to know each other! Even I have met new people, tons of new people and they all are extremely friendly and acceptable to all of us.

Ray and I were hanging up the laundry right next to the balcony where the view of tiny little people and beautiful buildings were all we could see.

"I wonder what kind of plan Norman has"

Ray blurted out as I was about to collect the dry clothes, I question his words before hearing him explain it more.

"Didn't what he say make you curious? I know I am"

I thought about it before replying back, "Yeaaaah"

I started sulking and remembering what Norman had said the other day about the demons, it had me thinking, why he would say such things...

But maybe I'm wrong? Maybe demons have to be killed?

"But this is Norman's plan we're talking about, we definitely have nothing to worry about"

I give a proud smile to Ray as he just stares at me.

"Also, Norman said 'A future where we won't loose anybody'"

I continue to look over at Ray to see if he changes any of his facial expressions, seems not. But still, I back up my words in hopes that Norman is right about that.

"But are you actually glad?"

He got me there...

"...Huh? What do you mean?"

He fixes his position on the railing with his body facing towards me and his forearm on the flat surface.

"Norman's talk about destroying all of the plantations"

Ray let's his words sink into my brain as I stay silent.

"You oppose this after all, don't you Emma?"

I became flushed by his assumption, I would never go against my family, especially Norman. As silent as I wanted to be, I couldn't leave Ray hanging for an answer.

"Hahaha, what? There's no way I could oppose it!"

I laugh to put the mood into something more relaxing instead of having Ray's words stress me out.

"Plus, we won't have to keep running away, you said that too, Ray" I end my laughing and go back into a serious mode

"Yeah I did.."

"But is that the future you're looking for?"

I hate when he does that.

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