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Date: October 4th, 2047


We arrived back at the shelter on September 27th with successful results, we found both the Temple of the East and the Golden Waters.

As for right now, it was getting close to dinner time and as usual, Y/N didn't allow me to help instead she wanted me to rest and do nothing, she told all six of us that.

"Sorry for her behavior, she's just very worried for you all, especially when you just came back from a the long journey"

Vin awkwardly laughs and scratches his nape in embarrassment, I gave him a smile and assured to him that it's all fine with Y/N acting like this.

I follow Y/N's orders and take a small nap to energize me a bit

"Emma, wake up, it's dinner time"

I flutter my eyes open to see the said girl who told me to rest, wake me up for dinner. I thank her before fixing my hair as I walk with her, side by side, to the dining room.

We pray in thanks and eat our meal, then she pushes me, along with the other five into our bunkers and tells us to rest again.

Talk about being overprotective.

"Take a nap, or just don't overwork yourselves. Even you Ray"

He shoots his head up towards her once she mentions his name, nodding his head a bit as a yes. Again I obey her suggestion and fall asleep pretty fast and easy.


Days go by and she's been like this for a whole week, then, today she finally let us help out like the others and do regular things instead of being in one room for hours and hours.

And that day I worked hard, I even made breakfast, lunch, and dinner! I was back to my cheerful self! I hear a laugh behind me as I make myself a snack

"I see you're working very hard Emma"

Turning around I see Y/N leaning on the wall, facing me while covering her mouth as she giggles at my actions.

"Yes, would you like some food?"

"Oh no, I'm fine" she shakes her head

I nod as I feel her stares. Footsteps were making their way towards me. Glancing to the side without moving my body I see Y/N right over my shoulder watching me, as I make a small snack for myself

"Yes?" I ask her

"Oh nothing, just wondering what you're currently making"

I smile proudly, "My own creation called Supreme Sandwich! It's a PB&J but with bananas and some other fruits"

She chuckles at my childish self and gives me a back hug

"You're so funny Emma, this is why I love you"

Since I wasn't quite facing her I just cling onto her arms that were wrapped around my upper body and eye-smiled at her compliment.

Later she asked for one of my sandwiches

Once I made it for her she said it tasted good, like a fresh PB&J that went on a small vacation. I acknowledged her compliments and gave her another hug after.

We then started on making dinner along with Vin to help since according to Elli, or really everyone, he's an amazing cook.


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