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Date: October 21st, 2047


"Okay everyone! Focus on Vin!"

I shout as Mr. Vincent who is the oldest out of all of us tries his best to get the kids attention during the meeting. Only the oldest ones from Goodwill Ridge were there, Me, Vin, Eden, Karina, Bee, Andrew, Willa. Roman, and Levi.

All 9 of us were just discussing on what to do before Norman launch's his plan to annihilate the demons, to give some background info, Emma and Norman are having difficulties on what to do with the demons.

So they come up with a plan together is see if Emma and Ray can stop the demon annihilation and if they don't make it in time, Norman will continue with his plan. What Emma and Ray have to do is find the Seven Walls and talk to 'Him' and make a new promise.

And done!

But I don't trust Norman as much, I know he won't just give up his plan like that, I know he will find a way to kill at least some demons. The royals at the very least.

But I'm going to be honest, I want them dead, they have killed tons and tons of people and demons so it they would be the only acceptable reason to kill a demon, even though it can lead to Norman and his team to continue to kill all of these demons. It's their somewhat, hobby.

And what my lovely team has to do is stop them from crossing the line too much. Just until Emma and Ray come back because we all know they won't get here in time and most likely not get here until Norman has let the Geelen Clan annihilate the demons and start a Civil War.

Or Emma and Ray would die trying to get out or in..

But praying they don't!

I do hope they make it out safely even though no one makes it out alive..

but no pressure to them!! They have my full support! Anyways, as I was saying, we all hope for Emma and Ray to come back and as soon as possible, the Goodwill Ridge team will do our best to stop Norman's plan from happening!




The secret meeting within the oldest ones at Goodwill Ridge had started. At around the busiest time of the day where no one would ever suspect where they could have gone. Except one person.


Oh he knew where they were. I mean he watched them basically walk in a room altogether and not be sneaky about it...

The only thing he's waiting for, is to know what they are planning. Once he figures out what they plan, he will find a way to annihilate them.

Jk! Norman isn't that mean!


No really, unless...

I'm joking! Again! He's just going to threaten them to not do what they are going to do. I mean only if their plan is threatening his plan, which most likely will.

He can't get close too them yet. Not yet. But soon he will.




Us nine kids, are still talking about what to do. And after some time we all finally figured on what could happen to slow down Norman's plan. We will plan to have four of us out in disguise as demons to blend in and get all of the demons out of the bomb zones where Norman's team planted it.

They most likely put the bombs by the bridges where the demons can access items from outside, but since they will bomb it, the demons are cut off from any help. We can't completely remove all of the bombs but get majority off to prevent deaths and accidents later on.

The rest of us will disguise ourselves as workers of the Castle, before that, we have to take care of Geelan and his clan. We can't approach them, but we can try to make them more weak so when trying to go with their plan of killing the Queen, they will fail in a way.

I have to get more information on what Norman and the Geelan clan is planning!

The Queen is another main problem, what if she lets the demons get eaten? What if she kills the demons on her side too? All of these what ifs always pop into my brain at the wrong moment..

I don't need any what ifs, I need trust in my family, trust as in, I need trust in my whole family. We might need some more of the older ones to help out. We have to slow down the process of killing innocent demons before Emma and Ray get there.

I promised Emma I would...



October 31st, 2047


The ginger and raven haired teenagers were saying their goodbyes to family, they made a deal with Norman that they will arrive back here after making a new promise with "Him" and stop the annihilating of the demons. The both of them have already said bye to the 9 kids from Goodwill Ridge.

Emma and Y/N made a promise that day to try to stop Norman's plan as much as possible if Emma doesn't make it in time. Ray and Emma started their search for "Him" by making their way to the clear glass jar that held water and a few drops of their own blood. A flower that is used for absorbing blood was also put inside the water.

As the flower bloomed, Emma said one last thing before disappearing into thin air, "Well then, we're off!"

They teleported to a door, the entrance, they were here once before, with Gilda and Don but this time it's just the two of them. Emma hesitated before pushing the door open to reveal their home.

Grace Field.


At that time, Norman and his crew were investigating on the movements of the demons. The Queen to be exact. Vincent found out by Jin that they started to move. But this is all according to Norman's plans. Having them move first will start it all.

For Norman's plans, if they attack the plantations it will make the citizens angry and would leave the Queen to move to stop it. And having them fight with Geelan Clan, it will be obstacles in their path, dividing the Queens army will fix it.

Since they attacked the plantations, the royals still believe it is all of the demon's doing, as more plantations blow up, the demons will try to capture the thiefs, but instead be caught in Norman's trap.

Half of the army will most likely be cut off to go to the blown up plantations, so the whole army will be weaker. That's when the crew will come in. In 8 days, they will attack.

They will kill the royals and aristocrats in the middle of the Tifari.

Joy and happiness was show upon Barbara and Cislo's faces, they were extremely excited and impatient for those 8 days to come.

The bigger problem is concerning the "Cursed Blood", aka Mujika.

They would have to have her dead before this starts, and as usual, Norman has a plan to get rid of her. And it includes his very close friends, Gilda and Don.

"Mr. Don! Miss Gilda! The boss is calling for you!"

The hyper boy, Hayato, called out for the now oldest of Grace Field since Emma and Ray had left. It was simple, Norman's plan is to use those two to call out for Mujika. Kill her and continue with the annihilating. I mean unless...

Unless another group interferes...


Sorry for the rushing and messy writing 😭😭 I literally blanked out when writing all of this. Anyways thank you everyone and as usual, GOOD NIGHT/MORNING/EVENING!!!

Glad I accomplished my goal, now I have to sleep for I will only get 6 hours of sleep 😞😞 too tired for this 💗

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