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"So, Ness," Steve opens the door for her, being the kiss ass he is. "How's work?"

"Oh, same old. Kickin ass all day everyday." She sighs. "But I finally got some leads on an old case. The Boxins case, you remember that one?"

"The one about the kidnappings?" His brows tilt, trying to remember.

"That's the one." She hold her head a little higher. "So after all of this is said and done, I'm gonna pay him a little visit." She smirks.

"Ah." He chuckles. We walk to the elevator, and I squeeze in behind them, not wanting anything to do with the conversation. "You going to your room, or do you wanna stop by Buck's and I's?" Please no.

"Sure." She smiles at him. "I need a bite to eat anyways." Steve smiles back, and we all watch the numbers chime all the way to 5. Usually the silence is something I pray for, but now it's just awkward. When the doors open, Steve of course lets her off first, following her quickly.

We get to our floor, and Steve ushers us to the kitchen. Tossing my jacket off on the couch, I grab a couple of little oranges off the counter as I pass by.

"You want anything to drink?" He asks her. "Tea or coffee?"

"Either is fine." She smiles gently, sliding onto the bar stool. I watch Steve shuffle on what to get her, and I stare at the side of her head, begging her to end Steve's misery. Just pick one Stark. I sit on the counter, letting the back of my feet hit the cabinets under me. The sound carries to Steve, who sighs and looks at me.

"Buck." His lips form a line, showing that it still bothers him. Get over it. She giggles, folding her hands under her face as she watches Steve fill the cups with tea.

"Thank you." Her hands wrap around the cup, fidgeting with the string of the tea bag that hangs over the edge.

"So what do you thing about todays overview?" He asks, sitting next to her on a stool.

"Well," She lifts her head, looking at him. Her hair slides to the side of her face, but she quickly tucks it behind her ear, showcasing silver jewelry. "I think we need to figure out where they are heading next. And in the mean time, gather as much info on them as we can. Figure out their strategies, fighting techniques, sorts of things. Then after, we get to it." She stands, walking past me, making her way to the fridge.

"Makes sense." Steve nods. She looks through the contents, picking up a small bag of plums to examine them. Those are mine. "So you gonna stay here until then?" He asks and she sets the bag back in the fridge, shutting the door.

"I guess?" She turns back to face him, leaning against the counter. "I've actually been talking with T about moving back in full time. I just don't know how everyone would feel about it."

"I'm sure everyone would be okay with that." He chuckles. "Nat needs someone to train with, Bruce would love the company, and ya know Sam is Sam." She giggles at the last part.

"Sam just wants me to bake for him." She smiles.

"Tony would love having you back too. And I think he's getting a new recruit, some kid or something." Steve sips his drink, eyes watch her over the brim.

"And what about you?" She asks. His hands still, eyes dropping from hers for a moment. Steve?

"You know I would love having you back." His cheeks slightly blushed. "It's not the same, ya know." Oh Steve.

"And what about you?" She turns and looks at me. Me? "Yes you." She stares. Not really knowing how to respond I just shrug. And apparently that suffices enough for her, making her smile and turn back to Steve. "Work is boring these days. So I think it would be good for me to get into some tougher work. And on top of that, it would help you guys with missions."

"Yeah." Steve softly laughs, rubbing the back of his neck. "It's hard to keep up with only four of us leaving the compound."

"I bet." She smiles. She smiles way too much.

"Well." She grabs her cup, setting it in the sink. "I better go tell T the good news." She walks to the door, opening it to leave. "Bye Steve!" Her head turns over her shoulder, looking right at me. "Bye James." And she leaves. When the door clicks shut, Steve let's out a huge sigh, tossing his hands on his face.

"What's your problem?" I ask. His hands drop and he stares forward for a moment before turning to me.

"Get off the counter." He stands bringing his own cup to the sink.

"You like her?" I ask, hoping off the counter.

"I used to." He sighs, leaving the kitchen to head to the couch. I follow, watching him stomp through the room.

"Used to?" I sit on the opposite side, watching his face sink slowly.

"It's a long story, and I don't want to get into it." He answers. Yeah right.

"How long have you known her?"

"Long time." His hands run over his knees, showing that he absolutely loved this topic. If he knew her for a while, why did he struggle with her choice of drink? Is it tea or coffee?

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