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"Blue building, on your left." Inessa grips her hand into my shirt, keeping herself steady as her knees begin to wobble. Just by her face alone you could tell she was in pain. So I check the street before crossing, shepherding us across to the blue building. It looked like a set of apartments, with a older lady sweeping the steps outside. "Hola Abuelita." The lady turns at Inessa's greeting, pausing for a moment before throwing her arms up, letting out a surprise laugh.

"Mi rayito de sol!" I think the lady said my little sunshine, so I know she wasn't talking to me. She walks off the steps, pulling Inessa into a tight hug, making Inessa nearly double over. The lady pulls back a little, turning her face to see Inessa's. "Ay amor, que paso?"

"Just work things." Inessa try's to let out a soft laugh, but instead groans. "Abuelita, I need to get into my room."

"Ah, Sí Sí." The lady nods, turning away from us the climb up the stairs. "Inessa Stark está aquí, sal y saluda!" She yells into the house, letting the door swing wide open. We step inside and the first thing that hits my senses was food.

"Ahh, food." Both Inessa and I hum in each others heads.

"Todo lo que necesitas está en tu habitación, sube cuando estés listo para comer." She pinches Inessa's cheek gently, letting go with a smile, opening a door that had stairs behind it.

"Gracias." Inessa pats the lady's arm, moving us past her to head up the stairs. I follow her up, watching her death grip the railing.

"Quien es tu amigo?" The lady yells up at us.

"Just a friend from work!" We reach the landing and we shuffle our way into a bathroom.



I flick the switch on, walking into the bathroom, seeing it hasn't changed. The building used to be an apartment complex built for some of the first immigrants that came over, but Mrs. Delgado and her lovely husband turned it into something more of a bed and breakfast.

"How do you know them?" James asks, slipping off his jacket, tossing it on the side of the sink.

"I met them a couple years ago, right outta high school." I try shrugging my own jacket off, but I felt a twinge in my shoulder, making me pause. My adrenaline was wearing off, making the pain from my side and now my shoulder throb. I don't think I was shot, if anything just grazed with a bullet.

"Here." His fingers slide in between my shirt and jacket, pulling down my arms for me.

"Hola." A knock on the door, makes us turn our heads to see Miguel. Miguel was Mrs. Delgado's husband, and he was hands down the sweetest person you could meet.

"Hola Miguel." I smile at him.

"I brought this." He lifts his hands, showing us the med kit. "Lola's dinner will be done in a while." He slides the kit on the counter, smiling before taking his leave.

My jacket falls to the floor, and I swivel around James bumping into him slightly.

"Sorry." He whispers. The bathroom was normally decent sized, but now with his large shoulders in the way, I decided to sit on the counter.

"Alright Barnes." I let out a sigh, opening the kit. I rummage through, finding what I needed and setting it on the counter. "Let's get this shit over with." I pull out the stitch kit, zipping it open, pouring alcohol over the needle.

"What are you doing?" He steps closer, looking at the contents on the counter.

"What's it look like?" I look up at him, raising a brow. "If Tony found out I ripped stitches, my head will be mounted on a wall."

"Your giving yourself stitches?" He eyes held concern, making them look puppy-ish. Is that a word? I shake my head, pulling the end of thread out, getting ready to thread it through the needle.

"No." I get the thread through the needle, pouring more alcohol on it. "You, are giving me stitches." I smile up at him, and his face become alarmed. I hand him the needle, passing him some alcohol soaked gaze as well, which he takes hesitantly. With my free hands I l pull my shirt up tucking the ends into the bottom of my bra. "Okay." I grab the bottle of alcohol, pouring a good amount over my side, sharply inhaling when the cold and stinging liquid falls. "Fuck..." I hiss out, pinching my face in pain.



She just pours the alcohol over her wound, hissing and letting out a quiet curse, her body tensing, free hand gripping the counter. Total badass. I've been here before, but never had the balls to pour it straight on myself.

"Okay." She puffs out, setting the bottle down, leaning slightly back against the mirror. "You know how to do this?" She asks.

"Do I have a choice?" I ask, to which she lets out a soft laugh.

"Come on soldier boy. I'm bleeding out here." She smiles sarcastically at me.

"Yeah yeah." Rolling my eyes, I lean a little forward, working up the nerve to stab her.

"Mi rayito de sol?" A soft knock comes from the other side of the door. "Tengo algo de ropa para ti."

"Gracias!" She yells. "Would you grab that?" She looks back to me, leaning her head over to the door. I set everything down, reaching for the handle, pulling the door open. Mrs. Delgado holds out a set of clothes, a smile on her face.

"Gracias." I smile back to her, grabbing the clothes.

"Take good care of mi rayito de sol." She pats my hand, turning to leave. Her english wasn't the best, but I understood enough. I watch her walk down the hall, slowly cascading down the stairs.

"James?" Inessa's voice beckons me from the bathroom. Don't worry, I'll take good care of her.

Soldier BoyWhere stories live. Discover now