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"Knock knock." I knew by the voice who it was, and when he stuck his head in, my excitement bloomed.

"Clint!" I jumped up from the couch, but immediately collapse. Catching myself on my hands and knees, both James and Clint rush to me.

"Take it easy, kid." Clint helps pick me up, hoisting me back on the couch. "Tony and Bruce were talking about something going on with you two. Mostly you though."

"Yeah." I lift my head up, looking at Clint. He looks older but still in fair shape, showcasing all the tattoos he's collected since the last I saw him. "How are the kids?" I smile through my now forming headache.

"They're good. I'm starting to think Violet is your sister more than my daughter." He chuckles, turning to James. "Barnes."

"Barton." James nods.

"So what's with all the sudden flutter around the compound?" He turns back to me, sitting on the other side of James.

"We uhm.." I look to James, not really knowing where to start. I didn't want to worry more people, including Clint. He was the first person who made me feel safe here. Sorta.

"We were on a mission, and everything went south." He says, turning to Clint. "She caught the worst of it, but whatever it was-"

"It's fine." I smile at him. "We can speak through our minds, I've got new decorations," I hold my hands up, and too my surprise, he doesn't look horrified. "And now we're here." Clint's eyes dance between James and I, making me worry. I knew Tony didn't like it, Steve was super unsure, and Nat so far didn't seem to mind. I hope Clint feels the same.

"So, speak through minds." He questions. "Like telepathy?"

"Sorta." I answer. "So far it's just speaking though. No mind control, no wavy visions."

"Hm." Clint slowly nods, looking at James. "What about you?"

"Me?" James brows drop into confusion.

"She's got magic hands, what's it you got?" Clint asks.

"Uhm, nothing, I guess." James responds, which Clint hums in response.

"What are you doing here Clint?" His attention slides back to me, smirking a little.

"What? Don't want me here?" He chuckles.

"I thought you retired?" I smirk back.

"You never fully retire in a job like this."

"So that's why your here." I smile, slowly sitting up more. "For work."

"I never said that." He smiles. James eyes flick between us, watching how we interact. It's cute how observant he can be, always watching. Most people would be intimidated by his staring problem, but I understood. And let's not forget how pretty his eyes are. Snap out of it.

"Miss. Stark, Dr. Banner and Mr. Stark are requesting you to the lab." Fridays voice echos in my room, startling all of us slightly.

"That's new." Clint stands, looking around for where the voice came from.

"No shit." I mumble, scooting to the edge of the couch, preparing to stand slowly this time.

"You got it?" James voice enters my head, making me look back at him. I smile and nod, to which he nods in return. I stand, taking my time, and soon enough we were all making our way down the elevator to the lab.

"You said hi to anyone else yet?" I ask turning to Clint.

"Just Nat." He answers, watching the numbers count down.

"Is she your favorite then?" I smirk, facing forward again.

"Of course." He smiles, never looking at me. When the doors open to the lab, Tony and Bruce were yelling at one another, sounding like argumentative toddlers.

"There is no way!" Tony throws his hands up, looking deflated.

"Yes, and I have the proof, right here Tony! Right here!" Bruce holds a scan up, making Tony look at it.

"It's not even real! It's something old fairy tails made up to scare children away from witches! Which aren't real either!" Tony slaps his hand on the desk, making things jump and clank together.

"Boys." I yell, making their head snap to me.

"Hey ness." Tony quickly smiles, clamping his hands behind his back.

"Hello Inessa." Bruce pushes his glasses up, walking over to us. "Clint, good to see you." He smiles.

"Banner." Clint sticks his hand out, letting Bruce shake it. "What's all the trouble for?" He's the first one to step out of the elevator, leading James and I further into the lab.

"Great question." Bruce's voice lifts, turning into a smaller happier tone. "I've been thinking," he turns and looks at me. "About what all of this could be." He grabs my hand, holding it up. Shit.

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