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"Alright. We'll split up into teams." We follow Steve out the quinjet, scooping our eyes around the building. It was half built into the ground, meaning there were multiple levels to clear. Typical Hydra. "Nat, Buck, Ness," Steve turns around to face us. "You'll go and see if there's anyone in there, or at least signs that people have been here." They both nod, and I watch as they nudge each other, happy to be working along side one another again. "Sam and I will find the lab, see if we can find anything in there. Bruce?" He holds his ear piece, waiting for Bruce to answer.

"Here Cap." Bruce voice fills my ear, Steve nodding in response.

"Bruce will stay in the jet incase things go south." He straps his shield to his arm, gearing us all ready to go. "Any questions?" We all shake our heads. "Alright."

We all file into the base, clearing the main entrance. Two hallways leading in different directions had signs above that were worn and rusted, meaning the place probably hasn't been used in years.

"Ness." Steve calls to her, her chin turning over her shoulder to look at him. "Left or right?"

"Your call." She answers. I look down the right hallway, determining that it was the longest hallway I've seen in a while.

"You guys go right, we'll touch back in when someone finds something." Inessa nods, and starts to lead us down the dark hallway.

The first few rooms looked like offices, old computers and files stacked the old wood tables. The only sounds to hear were soft steps of our feet. But I noticed Inessa's were the quietest. Nat was only a little shorter than her, which most likely made her around 5'5 ish. An even tinier Stark.

A small sound comes from the end of the hall, making all of us freeze. Nat looks over at me, and we both ready our guns. But when we look back in front of us, Inessa is already making her way to the room.

"Ness." Nat whispers, but not loud enough for her to hear. Stepping around Nat, my long strides catch me up with Inessa, making her turn her head and look at me.

Somehow within her eyes, I could tell what she was saying. Her first, then me. Nodding, I step fully behind her, watching the hall and the room in front of her. She steps in, disappearing into the dark room.



Small broken pieces of concrete crunch under my feet, echoing in the room. The glass from the door was shattered, letting little sprigs of light shine from the poorly dim hallway. I look around the room, seeing no one was in there, so I step further in. I hear James follow me, lowering his gun slightly. The metal chairs are flipped over, papers cover the desk. Before I could pull out my flash light, James beats me too it.

"Thanks." I smile to him. Per usual, he just nods, but that was good enough for me.



I flick my light on, flashing the beam over to the table full of papers and files. She turns her head, flicking her dark eyes to me.

"Thanks." She smiles. She smiles too much. I nod, and she goes back to looking around. Among all the files, one caught her eye.

4425 : Red Born 6 : Classified

Written in bold red letters, her hands reach for it, pulling it to her eyes. A soft sigh leaves her, before turning back to me.

"Let's go." Her face held anger. Her brows pinched, frown on her lips. And I watched as her eyes darken, as if they weren't dark enough before. A rumble shakes the building, making our feet become unstable.

"Guys." Steve's voice rings through our ear pieces. "This base isn't safe. Floors are collapsing. Get out now!"



Next thing I knew I fell. Slamming against a hard floor, I crack open my eyes, seeing James crouched down over a giant hole in the ceiling. Or what used to be the floor.

"Inessa!" He calls out for me, tossing his gun aside. The building begins to rumble again, and I see a black foggy light slowly creep it's way towards me. My eyes widen, watching the fog waft over me. "Inessa!" I hear Steve's voice in my ear, but I was frozen.




"Natasha!" I yell, ripping off all the guns off of me. When I look back down at Inessa, she was covered in a dark cloud, and I could barely see her through it. Nat runs into the room, and I start to climb down into the hole she fell in.

"She's down here!" I grab the edge, dangling myself several feet off the ground.

I fling myself off the edge, barely missing her head as I jump. Wisps of darkness waft around my head, and it felt like it seeped slightly into my skin. I stumble back, feeling a weight in my chest, becoming dizzy. I shut my eyes for a moment, trying to regain control. Then out of no where a whisper breezes past me.


When I raise my head again, the cloud is gone, the feeling gone, as if it was never there to begin with. Nat shines a light down the hole, and my eyes drift to her laying there. The tips of her fingers were black, as if she ran them through ash.

"Inessa." I shake her shoulders, trying to get her to respond. "Inessa." I shake her harder, pulling her into my lap. Come on.

"Buck!" Steve yells above me, and I turn my chin to look at him. A jolt in my arms snaps my attention away from him. As if she was drowning, she takes a big gulp of air, her eyes snapping to mine. "I'm going to get Bruce!"

"James.." she whispers. Tears spill onto her face, her body shakes, and I just pull her closer.

"I'm here." I nod to her. Her eyes never leave mine, trying to search for safety. Fear becomes the only feeling in the room, a feeling I know all too well. I'm here.

I hear shuffling above above, and a rope drops in front of us. I cradle her body next to mine, attaching the hook into her belt. Her hands shakily wrap around the rope, and they pull her up. I stand, looking up and seeing a pipe sticking out, and jump, pulling myself up. Sam carries my stuff and hurries out the room, sprinting down the hallway. Nat pulls her all the way up, and Inessa rolls over onto the floor. 

"We gotta get out of here." Nat stands, helping her off the floor. Inessa stumbles, unable to stand on her own. I wrap her arm around my shoulders, holding her steady by the waist. I feel the hidden knives around her belt, making a mental note that she's always prepared. Not the time.

We somehow make it out the building before hearing it crumble behind us. The back of the jet is open, Bruce standing there waiting for us, Steve sprinting to help carry Inessa. When we get onto the jet, we lay her down on a cot, and Bruce gets to work. I take a step back, and watch as she silently sobs. Whether it's from pain, or pure fear, I couldn't stand there and watch. Following Nat to the cockpit, I slump in the seat wrapping my hands into my hair.

I don't even know why it was affecting me. I've seen Steve and the other get hurt plenty of times. This was just different. A part of me could feel what she was feeling. Since she got here, I've felt drawn to her. Like a little string tied to each other. It was strange, and i didn't like it. No attachments.

"What the hell happened back there?" Natasha's voice was angry, and her actions even more as she punched buttons, getting us off the ground and into the air. Great question. And what and who the hell is Ghost?

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